Warpgates (especially on Indar)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rastabillyskank, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Rastabillyskank

    I personally really liked the Warpgates on Indar the way they were - Why change them? I think Sony should put all the Warpgates back in their original positions and I hope others feel the same way.
  2. Laey

    As NC, I dont.

    What faction did you play ?
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  3. Badname82

    Yah, finally get to actually see the map without having to spend 3 hours fighting my way out of the grand canyon.

    Get over it TR. You'll be back there in 4 months.
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  4. Yloh

    No. NC got the worst wg for a very long time now, its more than fair they change them from time to time.
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  5. Rastabillyskank

    Yeah I admit I play as Vanu, if it's changed on a rotation basis and everyone takes turns at each Warpgate, then I agree that's fair.
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  6. Aerius

    Agreed. Regular rotation is a good thing, it lets all of us have that horrible NC gate from time to time and keeps the continents a bit fresher.
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  7. Laey

    That's the problem.

    That was the NC warpgate, and now, you understand why we hate it (but wait few weeks, you'll see more than the grand canyon joke. Like... the crown who get acess from North an from SW. If you come from SE, you need to deal with SW first cause they're on the way, and got an upper hand on you.)
  8. Lucidius134

    As vanu I gotta agree, it was needed.

    When I was on my NC in the canyons, driving my vanguard from Tawrich to Spec Ops made me want to ******* rip my hair out. Mag's are much more suited for that terrain in areas.

    NC had the least terrtory and air resources, on top of their MBT's being slow as bricks and inable to maneuver quickly around.
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  9. TheScapegoat

    I'm enjoying the change, being on the defence from Quartz to Hvar is easy vehicle farming. NC on Connery has made a public call to own the continent, something they haven't accomplished in almost 6 weeks; and still have not accomplished even after valiant attempts last night.
  10. Dusty El Lion

    It's funny on Soltech, the moment the continents where flipped the NC went from barely being able to hold its tech plant to holding half the map, though as populations fluctuated we lost and gained territory, and the Vanu made some spirited drives north, but the difference between the north and the south east corner is ridiculous. There's pretty obvious imbalances to the continent if the NC can go from ****** to great just by moving the spawn.
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  11. Sulsa

    Warpgate rotation is fantastic. I love needing to think in different ways tactically now :)
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  12. fish998

    Looking at the territory owned over the last 24hrs, it confirms what NC players were saying about the northern warpgate being an advantage. NC have probably averaged double the amount of regions versus before the patch on Woodman, just as TR used to. We were pushing for a lock several times yesterday and took the crown several times.

    Maybe SOE should think about triangular or round maps.
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  13. nella

    Best NC buff.
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  14. Lucidius134

    Quoting myself from my thread posted in December 25th 2012

    ''I was bored so I threw this together. It's something I've always had in my head but never bothered scribblin' it up till now.

    It only highlights Hexes within the geographical regions. The Highlands is purple, the Canyon-y area is Blue and the Desert is Red. This doesn't highlight anything based on tactical or practical influence. I left out Quartz Ridge because I wasn't sure if it should be TR or VS so that's just naeutral ground. The Crown is Neutral and Crossroads is neutral for obvious reasons. I like to call this the Neutral Point of the map.



    Been pointing it out since before christmas, the north warpgate on indar is broken tier.

    Valleys to protect armor straight to the impact site.
    High influence on the Impact wite due to proximity and geography
    Impact site is 1 hex away from the crown
    L.Mao Techplant is the closest techplant to a WG on the map
    Open Ground allows for team rolling zerg.
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  15. Stordito

    I've to agree with NC guys. they deserve a turn in the best warpgate on indar.
    Let the Vs be buried in the canyons.
    plus, finally we can fight head to head on the field with the NC instead of being mag farmed from hills as with the VS.
    all that spandex got me cancer
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  16. Saool

    As I have said on my own post with regards to warp gates, we can now clearly see just how much impact they have. On Cobalt the NC are now dominating on both Indar and Esamir and the Vanu (who now have the NC old gates), are pushed right back to the gate on Esamir and can hardly push past Hvar Tech Plant on Indar.

    Personaly this says to me that the Vanu are not OP easy mode, nor are the NC gimped. It means the NC had the bum deal warp gates and now it is the Vanu's turn.

    Warp gate rotation is a good thing and needs to continue. Then after a few rotations lets look again and who thinks what is OP.
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  17. Peebuddy

    If you read the Roadmap thing they have set up they plan on eventually having the warpgates capture-able and to supposedly rotate based off that
  18. phungus420

    Warpgate rotation is the one thing this patch did right.

    TR shouldn't have the indar advantage. Though warp gate locations on Indar should probably just be adjusted anyway, the northern spot is just superior and they should be more equal.
  19. Uben Qui

    They need to fix the gates in my opinion. Clearly all are not equal. Rotating them does not solve the problem at all in the long run. No matter how often they are rotated, someone is always going to get the gimped position.

    We have been telling these guys since beta that the warp gates are unequal and that they needed to be fixed. Maybe now they will listen to us. :(
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  20. crissHill

    Lol? Get over what? We have the best warpgate now!

    Seriously you didnt know that south-west is best location in indar?
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