Massive nerf to cloak, low graphics quality gives you a HUGE advantage

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Village, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Village

    Proof, prior to this patch you were at a disadvantage at low settings, now i am going to play on low settings for higher visiblity especially on Esamir, and for the ease of seeing infiltrators.

    Medium-High graphics quality

    Low graphics quality
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  2. AnotherNoob

    WTF... And I was just about to post about that I think that the visibility is too high at high settings D:
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  3. Ztiller

    I wonder if they even bothered to test the cloak before they put this in the patch :/
  4. NaomiShirada

    ..And I wondered why I'm spotted so much more often. Anyway, I think infils are too easy to see on medium/high too.
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  5. Village

    Graphics setting should not give an advantage, but low graphics has so many advantages now.
  6. Goats

    To be fair, it was very, very hard to see them before. Medium and high graphics settings gave an advantage then. But yeah, this needs to be changed. This happened in beta, too, the devs just can't seem to manage to make them equally hard to see on low and high settings. It's always too hard or too easy.
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  7. Vikarius

    Can you show a video of you doing that on indar.... Because there on high settings the cloak now shows the reflections at a low resolution compared to what it is reflecting. Maybe it has to do with Indar background/ground/color scheme textures. I was staring at an inf crouched still in cloak on indar and the rock, desert ground and pilon in the background he was reflecting were like a pixelated version... like what his cloak was reflecting went from 1080p to 800x600
  8. Village

    If any setting should give you even a slight advantage it should be the higher settings, so those who spend the money to buy decent rigs arn't punished by being less competitive for more eye candy.
  9. zijin_cheng

    That would make people whine though, at least this way SOE can use the excuse that rendering an infiltrator like water on med/high taxes crappy computers.
  10. Jex =TE=

    Easy fix, make infi's totally invisible to all
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  11. Karbine-Mthersn

    This is a complete joke. This needs to be fixed asap
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  12. Karbine-Mthersn

    Can't wait to get back home tonight and reduce my graphics settings to low so I have an edge on enemy infiltrators... I'm seriously starting to question my investment in a game that has oversights like this.
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  13. VelcroPudding

    my buddy just quit the game because of this
  14. AnuErebus

    While it's definitely a problem I find there are plenty of people who don't use low settings. With holding still making you pretty much entirely invisible on any other setting, I've used it to great advantage over the past few days. There have maybe been 2 times I ran into someone who obviously used low settings and had no problem finding me. If everyone starts using low graphics this is something to stop playing infiltrator for, until then though you'll find lots of people will rush past you if you aren't moving.
  15. VelcroPudding

    The best thing about this cloak issue is how little I have played planetside 2; this mixed with the ESF nerfs, the lib nerfs and the tank snafus have just kind of soured me to the whole game.
  16. Jex =TE=

    Well that's a little short sighted isn't it? With a lot more roles to play that are perfectly ok, sounds a little childish to me or is he only able to play one type of character - is he not diverse enough to try something different?
  17. zijin_cheng

    Someone like me is not diverse enough to try something different, mainly because I suck at FPSes, it has taken me a long time to get used to CQC with my SMG as I've been playing a sniper 90% of the time.
    I can play any other character, but I will be vastly more deficient psychologically, because I am not used to not being able to cloak (even if the cloak is broken) and it boosts my gameplay. I get way more kills as an infiltrator with my SMG as opposed to an LA CQC.
  18. MadcowwithSwineFlu

    Wow its a good thing the world is not filled with people who give up so easily.
  19. Kyutaru

    Yeah as overpowered and horrible as it would be, I think the only solution is to go the Team Fortress 2 route and make spies invisible unless you bump into them.
  20. Dr. Euthanasia

    Keep in mind that this is a game with a progression system. Strong class identities are common when it takes weeks to properly upgrade one class, especially in the Infiltrator's case where our stock equipment is so poor for CQC.