[Suggestion] All Infantry Explosives Should Cost Resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Intolerant, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Intolerant

    This includes ammunition for dumb-fire launchers, lock-on launchers, grenade launchers, and any other explosives I haven't mentioned. When I first learned that grenades cost resources, I was ecstatic. Powerful explosives should be limited in some way. Then I learned that there were much more powerful weapons that could be refilled infinitely from an ammo box, for free.

    You might say that this won't really limit anything, and to an extent you might be right. People can just stock up anythime their resource count gets high. But I think it would limit the constant spamming of rockets by entire squads to a more manageable level.

    I feel that this is so obvious that it would already be in the game, except the interface isn't set up for it.
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  2. cheerstoyou

    Unfortunately, that's the main AT weapon of any dismount.

    What are they gonna use to kill vehicles?
  3. Dulu

    Sure, as long as all vehicle ammunition and fuel cost resources.
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  4. MarkAntony

    Only if vehicle Ammo costs resources too. Oh and bullets. We should be reduced to knives because bullets are pretty powerful. But then again knives are dangerous. Better have them cost resources too. That way we'll be using fists and the game will finally be balanced.
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  5. Dingus148

    So let's extend this theory so that it isn't one-sided and outright stupid;


    Have fun running an ESF AND keeping its ammo hoppers full. On what planet did you think this is a good idea?

    Infantry die easily and can be spammed. That is the idea behind them. They are meant to be deployed in endless swarms. That is why every vehicle (that I can think of) has some kind of high-explosive counter which doesn't require a direct hit to get a kill. There are ways to fix this problem, but what you have suggested is spawned of rage, not of wisdom. You're sick of being shot down or blown up and you're screaming for nerfs. Take a step back, punch a durrie, have a beer and come back. Think about the implications of what you're suggesting. Consider the state of the infantry game before the missile fix, and how the infantry were naught but farm for vehicles...

    Still think it's a good idea? You shouldn't. Yes, there is a problem, and I hate to admit this because it means my beautiful Anni will be nerfed somehow. But your "solution" is not the answer, nor will it ever be. Please, use your mind and not your emotions when it comes to putting ideas forward. Your vehicle cost isn't for it's weapons, it's for speed and protection. To demand infantry explosives should have a cost is to admit that vehicle explosives should have a cost, and if you deny that-it's hypocrisy.
  6. Kediec

    Sure, but ONLY if every single shot fired from a vehicle ( air or ground ) also costs resources .

    Hell, let's make it so we can only run round punching each other after 10 mins of heavy firefighting because everyone has run out of resources ......... *rollseyes*

    If a squad is spamming rockets and you keep dieing to it , learn some NEW tactics and stop running at them from exactly the same place.

    Amazes me how people will lemming to death constantly, then cry about a squad holding them at bay because that squad is actually thinking.........
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  7. Ayre

    Should be the other way. No infantry explosive should cost resources (frag grenades need a big AOE nerf though). Make infantry resources be used for weapons themselves, not the ammo. Dumbfires don't cost anything but lockons do. Rifles are free but LMGs/HA cost resources. Would allow for better balancing because you could limit such weapons but not have to make them pea-shooters.
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  8. Intolerant

    Vehicles have a timer and resource cost. But if the tradeoff is that I have to spend resources at the rearm tower/ammo sunderer, fine. My vehicles last plenty long enough that this requirement would never affect my gameplay.

    However, infantry does not have a timer. It does not have a resource cost. You can spawn and do what you will, and if you die just spawn again and do it some more. This is the fundamental difference between infantry and vehicles, and why a person in a vehicle is by default more powerful than one on the ground.

    Also, I think it is funny that you generalize me and assume that I am just "mad bro" because I keep losing vehicles to lock-ons. I don't, and your attempt to paint me as such is indicative of having no real argument.
  9. MarkAntony

    And they are more powerful than the individual infantryman. Working as intended.
  10. Intolerant

    This could work, too. In fact it could be better, as it would prevent people from spawning heavy every time.
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  11. Kediec

    Infantry doesn't have a timer because they die so much easier than vehicles, how hard is that to understand.

    1 tank can kill hundreds of infantry on its own if fully manned and the driver actually has a clue how to use terrain to it's advantage.

    It take's multiple shots to kill a tank, yet that tank can kill an infantry with 1 hit.

    Please, get an actual clue.

    If you can't deal with infantry when in a vehicle, then i would suggest you either practice harder, or stop using a vehicle.
  12. Intolerant

    If your post contains an ad hominem, you really have no argument and are just trying to preserve your pecking order. Please be constructive or go away.

    You all keep acting as if this is an emotional response to the massive lock-on spam, when really I was just flabbergasted when I bought my under-barrel grenade launcher and realized I could sit there on my ammo box and spam 40mm indefinitely. It's really pretty silly.

    Rocket-spam is silly for the same reason.
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  13. MayorD

    TR hit fast but weak
    NC hit da mn hard but always miss
    VS can stop 2 hits with their butt
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  14. Kediec

    Might want to follow your own advice there then, because your suggestion is just ridiculous tbh.
    All i see is you basically crying because some heavies with rockets killed your vehicle so you want them nerfed, and attempting to hide that fact in a silly suggestion post that would bring no value to the game.

    I play all sides, vehicles and Infantry. I personally have no problem with lock on weapons when i'm in a vehicle, use terrain to your advantage.
  15. Intolerant

    There's your ad hominem again, this time with a strawman to back it up. I never cried or implied anything about vehicular combat, you just want to paint me as such because it fits in with your little view of the world. I go 15+-1 in vehicles all the time, lock-ons are annoying but completely avoidable. The real problem is that, in their current state is bad for the game. And I want to play this game for years on populated servers.

    Again, to reiterate: I have no problem making my vehicles last 15 minutes to an hour. This is not about losing my vehicles to squads of annihilators. This is about the overall health and longevity of Planetside 2.
  16. KAHR-Alpha

    So no matter what, if I need to refill my rockets (which run out very fast) I need to run to a terminal?

    Alright, I'm ok with this, as long as you give them 10 times the velocity, nearly no drop and enough power to one-hit a tank if you get behind it.
  17. MarkAntony

    If they are avoidable then they are not a problem. Thanks for disproving yourself. Vehicle farming infantry without them being able to fight back when the vehicle is 50m away was a problem.
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  18. Kediec

    Well said.
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  19. Dulu

    Yeah... you're not using that properly.

    You may want to google it real quick.
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  20. Dingus148

    Well you're either mad or you're thick. I'm hoping you're the former, because if you're angry you can be reasoned with providing I can frame things in such a way that it becomes apparent why they are the way they are. If you're thick, then I'm wasting my time. I'm not trolling, but your lack of logic kind of has to stem from one of the two things.

    Do me a favour, and give me the benefit of the doubt. See that I'm not trying to annoy you. Try and see the consequences of what you're suggesting

    Let's look at your post;

    Para 1: So it doesn't affect you...not yet. Wait until all the vehicles are unable to protect your sundy because noone has any ammo. Your flanks are open, and my LA is going to find it verrrrry easy to slap some C4 on your car. You need to think beyond how it directly affects you and instead on how it will affect the game as a whole. Does this make more sense?

    Para 2: Infantry respawns fast and dies fast. And the one tough infantry unit (with speed and armor advantages, with heavy weapons) costs resources AND has a cooldown. What does this tell us? It tells us there is a punishment for squandering the advantages given to you by the game. Flashes only give you mobility, and so they're cheap and quick to come off c/d. Libs are tough and dangerous and have GREAT mobility, so losing one means the game penalises you heavily. Infantry can be one-shotted by just about anything, so there is no cost and a short respawn timer. You're on the right track here, in that this is the fundamental difference between ground-pounders and tankies. However, your conclusions are wrong. Can you see why they've done this? The cooldown isn't a cost, it's a punishment. Infantry have low cooldown, because they're meant to bear the brunt of the dying. If you charge into an area that has a strongpoint WITHOUT trying to crack it, you deserve to die and you deserve the punishment. Being in a vehicle =/= god mode. Yes, lockon spam is a problem. But in your haste to curb it, you've missed some fairly basic underlying tenets of the game. Namely, ammo is (and should be) free. Infantry already pay for a basic AoE attack (grenades) that vehicles get for free, and for a hard vehicle buster (C4 or mines) it costs a FORTUNE. Missiles are a soft counter that are only dangerous in numbers and while coordinated. They're not THAT hard to defeat, and when the render bug is fixed it'll be damn near laughably easy.

    Para 3: By now you should see what you did wrong here. Enough said, I'm not trying to start a flame war. I'm just trying to open your eyes.