There Is No Problem With Base Design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 13lackCats, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. 13lackCats

    The problem is that players won't leave the base in order to properly defend it.

    Instead of spawnfortri, what we really need is a faction chat function. This will enable players to coax learning players out of the spawns, and direct them to the battle.
  2. mooman1080

    Region chat?
  3. SGT Ace

    Region only works in regions, although I don't think it does have anything to base design.
  4. Loegi

    They will always be able to pretty easily flank your base with current designs. The more you go outside, the easier the flanking becomes.
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  5. 13lackCats

    Its the opposite. The closer you get to the enemy's staging point, the sharper the angle of your movements, and the greater their need to move backwards before advancing.

    Also, a wise player will recognize he's on the team's flank, and fan out.

    One thing is for sure. If you sit in your spawn, and/or stay immobile, you will be outmaneuvered.
  6. 13lackCats

    Region chat isn't far reaching enough.

    Its also largely broken.

    Faction chat is the best way to get the sheep out of the pen, and to get them organized.
  7. Loegi

    Flank the base, not the group of friendlies. If you move away from the base, they can circle around you and attack the base while you're not in it. If you're in it, at least you can shoot them.

    And yes, it's easy enough to approach from a different side with the way bases are laid out currently. Only if you're right in their face you might cut them off, but that isn't defending any more, and they can easily go to some other road that isn't cut off.
  8. UberBonisseur

    All it takes to win is gal dropping light assaults on Sunderers.
    But it won't happen since it's like cutting the XP pipeline.

    Regardless, if you claim that nothing is wrong with base design, yet the best defense is just attacking from outside, there is a problem. I'm all for counterattacks, but there is no reason to stay in the base itself and defend.
  9. Zitroxious

    ive found this aswell, 3/4 of the people rather stand on the stairs of the tower all day then actually go down and blast the ****ers waiting around the corner.. then there's me and 2 others killing 4/5 attackers each time giving everyone an opportunity to go down and wreak some more havoc and actually defend the place, but they rather stand waiting on the stairs for a nade to blow them all up or a LA to bumrush them from behind.. i would love it if BR's showed above friendly heads.. then i could go "oh no i really dont want to be near any of you guys when the **** hits the fan"

    sometimes my forehead is red of facepalming..
  10. MrK

    Having to leave the base because it is attacked means the base is stupidely designed.
    Having a base not stupidely designed will NOT make outside maneuver less important
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  11. Cougarbrit

    Well if everyone used the Rank titles like myself and some others then we'd have a decent picture of people's BRs just by their name.

    Although some people sometimes prefer using titles lower than their BR as it 'sounds better'.
  12. 13lackCats

    Modern battle theorists mostly agree that the best defense is offense. Its always been that way too.

    In game, it is certainly challenging, just like in real life. But, what would you prefer in your gaming experience? Repetitive ease, or challenging variety?
  13. Gavyne

    I'm all for them fixing /regional chat and adding an inter-faction chat channel. I don't know why it's taken them so long to get it done. It's a MMOFPS yet there's on way to chat with your own faction.

    But I disagree that there's no problem with base design. There are plenty of problems with base design, depending on what base you are talking about. Improvements can be made to literally all bases in the game. The new tech plant for an example, is literally not defensible. Defenders have to go outside of the capping area to defend the generators and SCU, it makes zero sense.
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  14. Loegi

    I'd rather have options.
  15. HappyWeapons

    Sorry but why are you posting on the forums if you never played this game?
    Im asking cause its impossible for someone who spent at least a few hours in game, not to see that your 20x20m spawn box has only two exits with Liberators, tanks, 5 enemy players aiming at it.

    Please download the game and play it for a while before posting suggestions on the forum. Thank you.
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  16. 13lackCats

    The best defense is offense.

    Making the base easier to camp attackers with will encourage camping. That means, while people sit in their spawn fortress and wait for the attackers, the people fighting for the base in extended positions will not have as many reinforcements as they may have otherwise.

    How are bases stupidly designed?
  17. Crywalker

    There are many problems with base design. So many if it were me in charge of fixing it, I'd just say "we've got to start from scratch again on this one..."
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  18. 13lackCats

    So- challenging variety, yes?

    What is NOT repetitive about camping? Regardless if the camp is forward or reverse, its still a camp, and its still foolishly boring.

    Educating people about the battles for the bases occurring in extended positions will open much more choice to the player. The best tool for teaching learning players is faction chat.
  19. 13lackCats

    What is the main problem with bases?
  20. 13lackCats

    Do you get camped a lot?

    I never get camped.

    I'm very sorry for your experience, but I'm glad you shared. You are a perfect example of why faction chat is so needed. You have no idea that there is a game removed from your spawn, and if you are guided by more sophisticated players, you may one day find it.