Lock-ons are getting out of hand.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Malkontent007, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Malkontent007

    No. Just, no. That is not my argument i made my argument very clear in my OP. Did you read my post? My problem isn't that a half a dozen people killed me. My problem and i say again is that they did so at a ridiculous range. At my base. From the enemies base. So basically your defense is, its not broken. I should l2p and completely change my load out to not die from a handful of heavies completely locking down and influencing the surrounding 2 hexes. Seriously? How do you not see a problem with this? If i was assaulting the crown and they did this. No problem, well played. But time and time again taking fire a ridiculous range and we see more and more people gravitating to this. I swear if i see one more person say 'hey that's what you get for attacking the crown' or something along those lines. This isn't an attacking the crown issue! Let me say that one more time. This isn't an attacking the crown issue! So drop it. This is an issue where Heavies can effectively LOCK down entire swaths of land that has NOTHING to do with them because the range on lock-ons for ground vehicles is ********. If snipers could sit up there and kill infantry and never miss given line of site and completely lock down the surrounding 2 hexes from infantry your outlook would be a lot different i think.
  2. Fraya

    Hey look that works too :)

    Whether its heavies with launchers or tanks on a hill high ground advantage is still an advantage.. nerfing them so they will be inferior to your preferred play style even if they do have better positioning is the opposite of fixing a problem.
  3. Malkontent007

    Show me. Get some snipers. Get 50 of them if you want and show me how you deny access to T.I. and crossroads. You better get some pros tho because at 500 meters with infiltrator mechanics in this game even the best players are gonna make maybe 1 in 20 shots at that range on anyone that isnt afk and we are talking the highest caliber of sniper i wont even go into the fact that you wont get any kills due to the fact that they wont even load in your screen.
  4. Fraya

    Sorry I should have been more clear.. read what I quoted.
  5. Jaeger41

    The other day I trialed the Annihilator and went up to the Crown. To be honest, it was too easy to just sit up there and plink, plink plink.

    But I don't think the problem is the range of the lock-ons...

    I think the problem is resupplying from ammo packs. Typically an HA normally has 4 or 5 rockets available. Because it is a limited number, they must be used judiciously. But on the Crown there were a bunch of HAs raining down rockets, and there were several ammo packs available to keep the group resupplied. I didn't have to move, and I had infinite ammo. There was no need to pick and choose targets. It was like an arcade game. Lock on, shoot, repeat. If rockets could only be resupplied from terminals and Sunderers, it would cut down on the rocket spam. HAs would have to leave their firing positions to resupply, or there would have to be a Sunderer nearby and out in the open.
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  6. Malkontent007

    Not once did i dispute the high ground advantage and my play style doesn't come into play here. So if your best defense is attacking me personally, don't. But if your idea of balance is being able to sit up in complete safety and lock on to people half way to Allatum then i don't think you even see the problem that needs fixed.
  7. TheEvilBlight

    Good point.

    Perhaps the answer is to limit ammo packs and allow ammo sundies to resupply vehicles and infantry? Too extreme?
  8. RocketKhruschev



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  9. Malkontent007

    Seems like a fair middle ground. Would definitely cut it down. Hard to say how exactly how effective it would be tho. I just want the lock-on spam to stop. I don't really care how its achieved.
  10. Shiaari

    That's really the only chance they have to hit a Magrider, is using guided anti-tank missiles.

    The solution is for you to equip IR smoke.
  11. Malaroko

    I read your post, and I think that was a pretty valid argument, as is this one.

    "Are you using flares? Attempting to shake the other pilot? Using terrain to break the lock or destroy the missile?"
    "You deserve to die."

    You are griping about lock-ons having absurd range. But if you do nothing to protect yourself, via loadout or moving, seems to be working as intended to me.
  12. Malkontent007

    In response to your facetious post/image.[IMG]
  13. Locke

    There is no counter to lock-on launchers en masse on the high ground (and there are plenty of locations that are nigh impossible to target - this isn't specific to The Crown). When you are high enough above a target its extremely hard for them to evade you whether they pop smoke or try to hide. They certainly cant progress forward. You can cripple an Empires attack with very little effort by sitting somewhere strategic.

    As part of an outfit with the capability to organise mass Annihilators with resupply (which is really fun btw for easy certs) they do need to do something to reduce the effectiveness of it. Lock-on is important with the current velocity of anti-vehicle weapons but 12 guys shouldn't be able to destroy countless vehicles at a huge distance away with no real threat in return.
  14. Malkontent007

    You fail to see the problem tho. That's all you do is these days is avoid lock-ons... 24/7. That's the part you are not getting. That is all you do is avoid lock-ons. You poke out behind your tree take a couple shots maybe eat a couple lock on rockets to get an extra shot off or too then back up repair. Not from the people you are engaging, mind you. From people waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy across the map. Constantly, nonstop without repercussions.
  15. Zorlox

    That's one of the best spots in the game to los missiles due to all the terrain 'lumps'. On top of having good spots for the HA's to shoot from without an overly large risk of getting hit by tanks ridiculous HE splash range.
  16. Fraya

    If you want to say your not complaining about the crown stop posting stuff showing/talking about the crown.

    The fact that it gives a larger than normal height and tactical advantage over the surrounding area might be the reason its so highly contested... nah couldn't be.
  17. Unnoan

    Again, I addressed your ranged issue by pointing out you have an effective 12-13 seconds of immunity every 15 seconds at that range due to the added travel time of the rockets. Do you need to change your loadout to protect against this? Potentially yes if your goal is to counter the lock-on launchers you hate so much.

    I don't know why you keep going on that no one understands your argument. It is clear what it is, you are just not listening to what others are saying.

    That being said I am not completely against rocket ammo being harder to resupply.
  18. RocketKhruschev

    Please, I've played HA with the Skep launcher and have seen tons of missiles vanish into the ether when tank disappears behind a hill. At long ranges, they still don't hit a lot.
  19. Malkontent007

    Your idea of countering is very similar to my idea of merely not dying. Just saying. You might want to google the word "counter".
  20. Fraya

    Guy's its clear hes not interested in listening to reason or even trying to understand that going into an area where you are outnumbered by the thing that is supposed to counter you is going to be difficult if not impossible.

    He just wants to repeat himself and stamp his feet till he gets the unreasonable thing he wants.
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