I don't see how VS guns are OP: Stats inside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    I really think the cry about VS infantry is from the types that just want their faction buffed and the others nerfed. First of all, infantry doesn't matter in this game, vehicles do, and I'll be the first to admit our vehicles do seem better than every one else's, and thus it makes sense that we are doing better. But its ok yall's vehicles are getting buffed, and hopefully the mossy gets some attention but I don't think mossy's are that much worse than scythes. SoE doesn't care about NC so the Reaver and their guns will stay as is.

    So for fun lets compare some TR and VS weapons from the most situational and weakest armed force, infantry.

    Solstice SF vs TRAC 5 S:
    The Solstice has 16% less recoil, while the TRAC has 16% higher RoF. The unique trait about the Solstice is that it has 16.6% smaller CoF than normal while aiming down sights and moving. The unique trait about the TRAC is that it has 10 more bullets per magazine than normal, but has a second longer reload time than the Solstice.

    Pulsar VS1 vs T1 Cycler:
    The Pulsar has 18% less recoil, while the Cycler has 16% higher RoF. The Pulsar has a slightly smaller first shot recoil, and has 35 higher bullet velocity than the Cycler, wheras the Solstice only had 25 higher bullet velocity than the TRAC. The unique traits between the guns are the same as those between the Solstice SF and TRAC 5 S.

    Orion vs MSW-R:
    The CARV is the counterpart to the SVA statistically, not the Orion. I put this one up b/c I see so much gushing over the Orion. The Orion has a 17.2% shorter reload speed, 35 higher bullet velocity, and a x.75 movement speed multiplier while aiming down sights, while most guns including the MSW-R only have a x.5 multiplier, meaning they move half the speed they would move while hipfiring. They both have the same first shot recoil, same accuracy while ADS'ing and moving, same accuracy when hipfiring, and the same RoF. The MSW, however, has .05 lower recoil than the Orion that is also more controllable as it only goes in up and right, wheras the Orion's recoil goes up, to the right, and to the left. Most critically, the MSW can equip a double laser, making its hipfire CoF 1.5, wheras the Orion's hipfire CoF would be 2.1 after you give it a laser.

    When looking at the solstice vs trac, the trac was clearly better, the 10 extra bullets per magazine is HUGE and isn't close to being offset by a higher reload time or the fact that it has slightly lower accuracy while moving as compared to the Solstice. That's almost an irrelevant bonus unless you really like moving around while you are sniping with your carbine. Yeah.

    The Cycler/Pulsar seems more balanced in my opinion, though you can interpret it as the Cycler being weak, I still hold that having 10 extra bullets in a magazine is a pretty large advantage in guns with normally small magazine sizes, and should come with serious downsides.

    The Orion and MSW seem decently balanced, which one you would prefer comes down to preference, I know I would sacrifice an x.75 movement speed multiplier to be able to put on a second laser sight and have lower recoil, but that's just me. So overall, I don't see how VS weapons are so dominant, they make statistical tradeoffs with the TR weapons. You could say the game is not all about statistics, and you need to see how the weapons play in game, and you would be right, but such a perspective only benefits the TR, as having a higher RoF = flinching your opponent more. Also, in the field, having more ammo in a carbine or AR's magazine is far more important than having a second shorter reload, you can't reload if you're dead.
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  2. Sharmanti

    Solstice vs Trac. I can tell you the recoil of the Trac-5 S is horrible. Jumping all over the screen. Worthless weapon except for the nadelauncher. Seems as solstice is alot better.

    Pulsar owns cycler extremely hard at what it is supposed to do, long range engagements. The short reloading time = higher dps over time

    The last two seems fairly balanced, slight edge to the TR weapon I'd say
  3. Vorpal

    You are hilariously, outrageously biased, and that's coming from a fellow Vanu!

    The solstice is better than the trac-5. The pulsar is clearly better than the cycler. The Orion is clearly *way* better than the MSW-R.

    You aren't even consistent in your bad arguments: you dismiss the better recoil the of the solstice and pulsar as being meaningless, then latch onto the comparatively less advantageous lower recoil the MSW-R has as being great! Nevermind that recoil actually matters a lot more for carbines with a tiny clip than for LMG's with an enormous clip.

    10 extra bullets per magazine is barely an advantage, and is more than made up for by having longer reload times. You want to reload as soon as you've killed a guy so you're ready for the next fight. Having a higher bullet velocity helps you kill the other guy first, having a tighter cone of fire helps you kill the other guy first, and having lower recoil helps you kill the other guy first. So does having a higher rate of fire. Having 10 more bullets doesn't help you kill the other guy first. If you wind up in situations where that becomes an issue, you ****** up with your LA and chose your fights poorly.

    What usually happens is on both classes, you find someone, you kill them. then you reload. As a TR player, your reload takes MUCH longer and there is a much higher chance someone is going to come around the corner and kill you while you are reloading than as a VS player. TR spend much more time reloading than VS, and are thus much more in a state of vulnerability.

    Your lack of understanding of how infantry combat works can be seen in the phrase "That's almost an irrelevant bonus unless you really like moving around while you are sniping with your carbine"

    Carbines aren't for sniping, and if you aren't moving around while shooting them, you are almost certainly dead. You're either ADS and moving if you are fortunate enough to have a good ADS carbine, or you are hip firing (and of course, moving). Anyone who isn't strafing from side to side when engaged in a firefight is doing it wrong.
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  4. Crywalker

    TR wins when it comes to pistols and carbines, though I'd say Solstice > TRAC-5 those aren't what I'd consider the main contenders in carbine selection. I think VS wins when it comes to LMGs, the Orion is one of the best weapons I've used and the default TR doesn't compare to it IMO. I don't know medic guns well enough, and infil weapons(well, other than pistol which is practically an infil weapon) are basically the same.

    I'd say

    LA/Engi: TR
    Infil: TR
    Heavy Assault: VS
    Medic: IDK

    The mag size of TR guns doesn't make as big of a difference with LMGs which already have big enough magazines that reloads aren't too frequent, so they end up getting worse overall performance from those. However, with carbines they don't sacrifice much for such a major increase in mag size(33% more ammo in clip and pool) relative to VS/NC. I've ranted about this quite a bit since it really does seem very unfair.

    Have to consider though that most infantry are Heavy Assaults, or at least that's what my kill stats suggest. So it's easy to see why VS weapons are seen as overpowered if I'm correct about the Orion.
  5. Zarth

    TR, NC weapons > any VS weapon at close range. sorry but that's how i've seen it. NC barely have to aim at all. The weapons have barely any recoil and have amazing hip fire.
  6. TheUprising

    All I see is bad arguments on your part and gross distortions of what I said. Nothing to see here.
  7. Slywether

    grass is always greener!
    after maining TR
    I can jump on VS alt and freak out when I try any of their stock weapons. They just seem to be sooooo much better.
    In practice
    I can tell that rof and clip size mean dick when NC kill me with 3-4 bullets, and VS have almost laser accuracy from any range.
    hyperbole much? Maybe
    Point is, less QQ more PEW PEW!!
  8. TheUprising

    This is just not true... NC get flinched to hell in CQC, their weapons are terrible for CQC unless they get the jump on you. And they have tremendous recoil, roll an NC for a day.
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  9. warmachine1

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  10. Vorpal

    TR actually are bottom of the barrel when it comes to carbines. They are the 'high ROF' faction, yet both VS and NC have higher ROFO weapons. They also don't have a good high damage long range carbine like both other factions get.

    Their pistol (the default STARTING pistol) is the best in the game though.

    NC weapons are actually not usually very good at low range because of the lower ROF. If every bullet hits, they tend to lose. They are better at longer ranges where their generally better accuracy and higher damage can win out. VS have devastating close range weapons which are easily the match of any TR weapon at close range.

    It goes more like this

    LA: VS
    Engineer: VS
    Infil: NC
    HA: VS
    Medic: TR

    Also note that almost all NC weapons are the worst around starting out without attachments and only get good when certed out the ***.
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  11. TheUprising

    Clip size doesn't matter as much with high weapon damage, and also compare your analysis to mine.
  12. MarkAntony

    Rotflol are you serious hahahahahaha. Ever thought about being a comedian.
  13. Slywether

    So you are trolling then...with great effort I might add.
  14. AccelPrime

    Lol @TR trying to defend their infantry weapons. ESPECIALLY their carbines...
  15. Hurk


    OK, So a person who has played 6h has this vast knowledge and cares so much about htis game? I think not. Vorpal = Liar.

    You sir, are clearly playing your main character on a TR and using this account to whine with in the forums under the guise of 'Look at me, I play Vanu and think they are overpowered thus listen to my whining about Vanu!'. All your arguments claim the small downsides to happen every time and at the same time act as if the Vanu upsides occur every time.
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  16. Nature

    10 extra bullets is a huge deal with fast firing carbines and assault rifles. The reload time somewhat balances it out but being able to kill that extra guy is way more important than having a bit faster reload.
  17. TheUprising

    If you called making a well thought of analysis and getting irked when ppl think they can rebut it/dismiss it with hyperbolic statements that are usually not backed up, then yes, I am the master troll.
  18. Sinoby

    Hey, I don't know Vorpal, but you just linked NC character. Maybe, just maybe, it's not his main?
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  19. SiosDashcR

    I'm sorry, but as your fellow TR brethren- I must say this: While I may agree VS has somewhat of a better advantage over the TR in terms of weaponry and you are SPOT ON with NC weapons being sh*t at first but great once certed- The TR certainly does NOT lack in terms of carbine.. Maybe a few here and there (our TRAC-5 S is garbage compared to the awesome TRAC-5). All I have to say.. If you're an Engie- Try out the Jaguar. It.. raeps FACE :D

    Soft Point, Advanced Laser, etc = Recipe for destroying enemies.
  20. NATotal

    The TRac-5...ugh!

    I dunno how many times I have lost a firefight to that weapon. Those 10 extra rounds give it that edge. I'll get popped when my clips runs dry and then, in the death screen, I see the guy was down to 1-3 bars of health. We were pretty much equal until I ran out of ammo.

    I've learned to be more sneaky and engage from a little longer range. The downside to longer range engagements is that accuracy takes a hit if I am moving at all. A smaller target means I have to be more accurate. That means I have to sit still. That means I am easy pickings for any other enemy in the vicinity.

    NC are brutal in close quarters, but not so good for medium range. TR have decent stats for close quarters and medium range. VS favors medium range or just at the threshold of short range.
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