Ya seriously how did the TR win.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65


    Lawl they just magically deleted the original, not even a message.

    But ya vanu are OP

    It is your faction not your skill.

    Randoms don't just magically win that consistently through skill, ACROSS ALL SERVERS.

    Oh look TR won the least...stop saying we are OP and NC stop whining you aren't that bad see.

    Now lets see if this gets deleted...without any reason given, again
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  2. Solafide

    Rigged?..Lol, what a total joke..Vanu fights hard, uses team work and communication, wins most of it, and TR is the winner..looks like Biscuit was thrown a bone, nice to have friends in high places
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  3. Blue

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  4. SecularPope

    Maybe they adjusted for the fact that Vanu vehicles are OP and are getting nerfed?
  5. Highduke

    Can we just be honest and say everyone uses teamwork?
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  6. An Hero

    These devs are morons, took you long enough to see it.

    And BTW, the only reason you saw those wins by NC is because we have the most try hards in the game.
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  7. Puppy

    But how effective and how large scale does the teamwork go? We had one leader organizing outfits on objectives and getting them done fairly fast.
  8. Highduke

    I never said teamwork paid off... It RARELY does.

    I just made 1000SC from a bet. Thanks OP.
  10. Puppy

    That's not a VS problem.
  11. ent|ty

    See, I was locked out of my TR character on Connery, because I'm not a 'premium member'. So I logged on to my NC account on Genudine...
  12. TintaBux

    Now arent that weird, seems it was done on purpose.
  13. Slyguy65

    you guys are not as awesome as you think seriously.

    enclave had issues apparently and i hear most people consider them THE best outfit.

    but yaaaa, seriously vanu just stop it, no amount of randoms after playing a game for 1-2 months would be that coordinated enough to dominate across SERVERS like what happened in UES...your hardware is what won you the victories just stop denying it FFS.
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  14. Reizod

    Uh, isn't that our strongest asset? Our "hardware" and tech? :p Oh, and that I tend to think that VS attracts the more "high-end" players overall.
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  15. BeefySleet

    Yes, keep telling yourself that.
  16. Reizod

    Hmmm... someone is in denial. Totalbiscut, Seananners, and LevelCap... who is the best skilled PS2 player out of those 3 "leaders" that was picked? What faction of players was smart enough to complain enough to have the previous VS clown Toby replaced as leader for the UES? *drops mic* I'm done...
  17. Ganelon

    I'm not impressed by LevelCap's level of skill, he didn't do anything to help his empire and was just farming infantry in his Scythe (or trying to). I don't think he even was in a squad.

    Teamwork my ***.
  18. Reizod


    "The force is not so strong in this one!"

    So you are saying, that LevelCap is not the better PS2 player among the 3 I mentioned? o_O
  19. VSDerp

    popular vote
  20. Ganelon

    In matters of FPS skill? Yes. In matters of strategy? Not at all. At least I saw TB putting waypoints down.