[Suggestion] Bunny hop solution???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Muerte_LOL, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Muerte_LOL

    I added apost to the end of the old discussion and don't know if it was suggested in the original topic..didn't read them all, but..

    A solution to the firing while bunny hopping would be to add the recoil physics to it while in the air. We have great recoil while standing and firing causing your gun to go up as you shoot. Why not have the recoil be massively greater while in the air? If you are firing in the air while you are not firmly planted on the ground would you not almost flip over backwards?? Simply erase all stability and triple or quadruple the base recoil as if you had no grips or anything. Food for thought.
  2. Pesukarhukebab

    Just disable shooting while jumping entirely.

    Oh, and fix the hitboxes. Invincibility while jumping is freaking ********
    • Up x 5
  3. AdrIneX

    There is no bunny hop in this game. You and the other complainers have absolutely no idea what bunny hopping is.

    This is bunny hoping

    Or this (this is trickjumping but it's basically the same principle)

    • Up x 1
  4. quicKsanD

    Fix the hitboxes, make being in the air have double the COF (I think it already is that because I cant hit anything in the air with LA and a carbine). That should solve any the problems, and if there are warping issues fix those. Bunny hopping is moving faster then intended by jumping. I haven't seen anyone bunny hop. This is a FPS designed with jump pad and jump jets we are supposed to jump and be in the air.

    Please stop trying to nerf movement and Disabling firing in the air completely ruing jump pads and an entire class.
  5. Intruder313

  6. Intruder313

    There is bunnyhopping. I don't care if there's other games where it's worse, it's still utterly terrible here. I don't care if they don't gain a speed boost.

    I've had people bunnyhop through huge volumes of fire which were clearly hitting the model's legs (if not the torso) but not registering because it totally fecks up the hitbox.

    And it looks AWFUL.

    The CoF needs to increase even more while jumping, or better, not reset so fast after a jump.
  7. Marked4Death

    Yes please any devs reading, simply make the hitbox stretch up and / or and even expand as this seems to cause warping and hit detection issues.
  8. quicKsanD

    Hit detection should be fixed. Please stop trying to nerf LA and movement.
  9. JohnnyMaverik

    Edit: Oh... didn't realise it fked up the hit detection :p

    Well... I guess they do need to work on that then.
  10. Bloodlet

    Yeah they need to fix the IR/NV sight and the hit detection both.

    As for the people complaining about the semantics of calling it bunny hopping. You know what they are talking about. Stop derailing threads on this.
  11. Hosp

    Stamina Bar or Timer.
  12. TheWhiteDragon

    Doesn't jumping already affect your accuracy? Because I always win or draw against hoppers. Perhaps it is just the shotgun.
  13. Loegi

    There's no problem with jumping (or bunny hopping as you like to call it apparently) in itself. And if it does bork the hitboxes (seen nothing that should indicate this), fix that then.
  14. Linedan

    Fix the hitboxes, it's getting a bit stupid seeing big beefy HAs in composite armor and big LMGs jumping around like six-year-old girls. Fix the hitboxes and cause the IR/NV sights to bob and weave around the same way that reflex sights do. Reflex sights pull away from the eyepoint when you jump, IR/NV sights don't. Since your eye stays glued to the IR/NV sight picture through the entire jump, it's possible (with practice) to compensate for the jump motion and get almost the same accuracy as normal strafing or movement. You can't do the same thing with a reflex sight. Just make the eyepoint shift away from the IR/NV sight same as a reflex sight, and fix the hitboxes, and the problem is solved without any need to actually nerf jumping or prevent shooting while jumping.
  15. innociv

    There is already anti bunny-hop in the game. Jesus christ. Just get better.
  16. quicKsanD

    I am all for these kind of changes. Hitboxes should be fixed but I don't seem to have a problem killing people who are in the air. Maybe you shouldn't be able to use scopes mid air or something. But I already can't hit anything mid air with carbines so I don't really understand what everyone is complaining about. Please post more videos.
  17. Bloodlet

    It has to do with the IR/NV sight while jumping. All other sights go all over your screen when you try to aim down them while jumping but the IR/NV sight barely moves. People say that the COF still gets messed up while jumping but they are wrong. Watch BuzzCuttPsycho's twitch stream some time and you will see what he does when he gets in close with people.
  18. quicKsanD

    LOL, I tried to watch it, it was flagged for inappropriate content, so I couldn't watch it right now. I guess they should fix the IR/NV scope to have the same COF bloom as every other scope then. I'd be fine with that because it is silly to have 1 scope that doesn't have the increase.

    But everyone else with the nerf to jumping please stop. I don't want this game to be where everyone just stands on the ground as HA using heavy assault weapons to mow through everyone, it is boring.
  19. Muerte_LOL

    Ok sorry I called it Bunny Hopping to start with. I don't seem to have a problem with hitting guys that are jumping around like a bunch of guys with springs on their shoes (is that better?) I was commenting on people that are not light assualt with jet packs that are able to jump and fire accurately..continue to flame away..Sorry for the misunderstanding..But I'm old and don't quite know all of your hip young gamer lingo :rolleyes:
  20. Bambolero

    Fix the IR/NV scope and bunny-hopping is history because they wont be able to shoot when hopping.
    It's that simple, that's all it takes...