Dear TR and VS MAX

Discussion in 'MAX' started by The Milk Man, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. The Milk Man

    I know there are tons of threads like this, but I feel like I should just make one myself so that the Devs can see at least one of the threads on how TR and VS maxes are underpowered.
    Dear TR and VS MAX, I dislike you very much and here's the reasons why:

    TR and VS Maxes are obviously underpowered when compared to NC Hacksaw Maxes. I'm more scared of a heavy assault trooper than a TR or VS max... That's how bad it is. NC hacksaw is great for close range, and it should stay that way, but TR and VS max don't really specialize in anything. And for the people that are saying a NC max has a disadvantage in mid to long range, they can simply charge towards you for the kill or hide behind cover. So in Bio lab, NC max basically has the advantage always.

    So I guess here's some suggestions or things that I dislike about the TR Max since the TR is my main faction.

    1. The default grenade launcher is completely worthless and inaccurate and has almost no radius damage.

    2. NC is known for having higher damage (Shotguns are the high damage for max of course), and TR are supposed to have a higher rate of fire, but I'm pretty sure that the developers said that the higher ROF guns haven't even been added (Can anyone confirm this for me?). So the TR max should have a rate of fire that is way higher.

    3. And perhaps for having a higher rate of fire that is similar to a Gatling gun, the TR max could go extra slow when firing like how the heavy in TF2 uses the brass beast.

    4. NC Max can kill infantry up close in less than 0.5 seconds. While I think a TR Max takes 5 or more seconds to kill infantry ( I don't know the exact time, its just a estimate). Which is pretty unfair and it allows the enemy to shoot a ton of bullets into a TR or VS MAX.

    (Also, I don't know much about the VS Max other than the fact that its pretty similar to the TR max)

    I'm not asking for the NC max to be nerfed, I just want TR and VS maxes to actually be able to stand a chance in war. I've played with a NC max and I felt powerful using it, but that wasn't the same case with the TR max. I'd rather flank the enemy with a heavy assault class instead of using a giant, noticeable hunk of junk.

    If anyone has any arguments against mine, please make them in a respectful manner. I don't want people flaming each other and so on.
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  2. Purg

    The TR, agreed. The VS, it's pretty good where it is.

    Bad estimate. At around the same range as the NC MAX, the TR and VS can still rip infantry a new one in around a second. The advantage of them is less down time per reload, higher capacity mags and greater range. I do think the TR and VS AI weapons need a bit of a buff. Smaller CoF and higher RoF wouldn't go astray - even if it were in the way of certs you can invest into the weapon. If the NC is going to be the close combat dominator then the TR and VS should have a greater stand-off range if they're not given close quarter weapons. They need to be able to make a HA wee themselves at 50m and an NC MAX not want to try and slug them at 30m.

    The problem with the addition of weapons for the TR and VS is the philosophy of 'side grades' not upgrades. For a TR MAX, if you gain RoF in new weapons, you may lose mag size or damage per bullet as a consequence.
  3. Takoita

    AV options kinda suck. NC AV sucks less, but overall AV MAX weaponry kills tanks only in ideal conditions - mostly because once a MAX attracts attention of a tank, it's toast and can't live long enough to deliver enough hits.
  4. Gadamlu

    "4. NC Max can kill infantry up close in less than 0.5 seconds. While I think a TR Max takes 5 or more seconds to kill infantry ( I don't know the exact time, its just a estimate). Which is pretty unfair and it allows the enemy to shoot a ton of bullets into a TR or VS MAX."

    Sadly, ive had the exact same thing happen in a fully healed VS MAX unit
  5. Alrikster

    Of course this is only about max vs max, as i feel that both the nc and tr max feature sufficient and comparable AI capabilities.
    I cannot say anything about the VS max because i never actually played it myself.
  6. Gav7x

    A shotgun that is great at close range

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  7. AnotherNoob

    Here is a crazy idea, how about giving vanu and tr shotguns too, and give nc chain guns as well?
  8. Alrikster

    Then the only difference between the factions are cosmetic, which wouldnt appeal to most people.
  9. soeguud

    Sure, and remove one of the few remaining advantages of playing as an NC footsoldier. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR FREAKIN MAXES PROPERLY. NC maxes in this case being the easiest to play as you just need to barrel into targets.
  10. WASD123

    A minigun with a mind numbingly fast fire rate of 400, the amazing stopping power of the least damaging weapons (aside from the TX 1) in the game, and with the pinpoint precision of a hipfired stock AR

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  11. Gav7x

    Totalbisquit, your leader already said that you have superior max technology, and as a fellow terran soldier you must OBEY YOUR LEADER.
  12. Kumaro

    I play a lot of TR max i love it for towers and lighter sieges of bases where it performs really well. I have a mercy and The other one that focuses more on range? Anywho those two allow me to dominate really well on open ground against infantry. What is really annoying right now is that it feels like they have nerfed the MAX anti vehicle grenade launchers again. Before you could spam shots and see the health trickle down now it barley seems to scratch them.
  13. DankFist

    That fat British **** stain doesn't speak for all of us.
  14. Alrikster

    Better him than buzzcutpsycho
  15. hardes13

    I would take miniguns any day over shotguns... ;P just because they are cool.
  16. XRIST0

    I mow people down with my TR max using dual Mercy's , i mean mow people down .. they have no chance , aslong as there is an engineer near by .
  17. Zcuron

    Here's DPS; (this is per gun, feel free to multiply by 2) -link-

    Hacksaw: 715 x6 (4290)
    715 damage per second per pellet, if all hit you'd deal 4290 DPS.
    If we factor in reload time, you deal ~306.43 DPS per pellet, or 1838 DPS in total. (extended mag)

    If we use the short reload instead of the long one; ~341.96 DPS per pellet, 2051 DPS total.

    Mercy: 1007
    Short reload + extended mag; 859.73 DPS

    Blue Shift: 976.6
    Short reload + extended mag; 861.34 DPS

    As you can see, if we pit the highest DPS weapons against each other, the hacksaw wins "in theory" for sustained fire.
    It doesn't happen in practice purely because you die in those 2.4-3.2 seconds it takes to reload.

    If they increase the HP of MAX units, or raise their small-arms resistance, this "time of death" may be pushed out of this zone, and if it is, the Hacksaw will be able to benefit from its higher DPS.

    Here's TTK;

    Assumptions: All bullets hit the body @<10m (full damage), equal reaction speed, equal ping.
    Important: The first shot takes place at 0ms - this favours guns requiring fewer shots to kill, as they require fewer refire times.

    Numbers; (target: 1000 hp)
    Hacksaw: 200 milliseconds.
    Mercy: 852ms - requires 7 shots.

    Blue Shift: 855ms - 6 shots.
    Cosmos: 890ms - 6 shots.
    Nebula: 900ms - 7 shots.

    1. These numbers are all "per gun", so just divide the above by two to find out what the "true" TTK is.
    Once you have two hacksaws shotguns, you no longer require a refire time, effectively giving them a 0ms TTK.

    Seeing as the Mercy requires 7 shots, if you get two of them you'll need to fire 4 times anyway(426ms), whereas the Blue Shift will only require 3 shots (342ms), with the Cosmos a negligible amount behind at 356ms.

    2. Nanoweave armour has no effect on the Hacksaw's TTK, nor does it affect the TTK with two Mercies as it'll now require 8 shots instead of 7 - which still halves to 4 shots, whereas the Cosmos and Blue Shift suddenly need an additional refire.

    This increases the TTK of the Cosmos and Blue Shift to 534 & 513ms respectively.

    So if you're looking only for TTK, and assume everyone has nanoweave armour, dual Nebula is suddenly king, at 450ms TTK.

    3. You can miss 5 out of 12 pellets with the shotguns and still kill in "one shot".
    If the enemy has nanoweave, you can miss 4 out of 12.

    I make that note just to point out that in "real game conditions", you'll still probably kill in one shot.

    4. I make mistakes, but hopefully I haven't put any on display here.

    If you find anything wrong, let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.
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  18. Alrikster

    youll have to keep in mind though, that the hacksaw will only hit all pellets at around 0-5 meters and rapidly falls off then.
  19. Vansoth

    I caught an NC MAX standing out in the open last night. He was about 35 meters away and I crouched and laid into him with dual mercies. He had the audacity to sprint away inside a building before I could even take a quater of his life. The nerve of that guy, he must not have know that I had caught him at the range where my MAX is great and that he should just stand still and let me kill him like in the video everyone refers. When I turn the corner and your MAX is there I have the courtesy to die instantly don't I? Some people just don't understand how the game is played.
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  20. LeBigJimbo

    x2 Mercy guns.
    Problem solved.