New Conglomerate Up blah blah heard it before

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by susperationalman, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. susperationalman

    Just here to whine about the new conglomerate being under powered so...enjoy my whinning. Basically we have all already heard about how bad the new conglomerate weapons are because of how inaccurate they are and how we are all baby ******* because we whine because nothing is done about it. Now I have tried the other factions so it's not like I'm complete **** and I'm whining because I'm bad. The other factions are great precise accuracy makes the game great. This faction actually is really f*cking bad. Now I hear all the time "burst fire idiot" now this would make sense other than I'm burst firing while you full auto and I still miss more shots. But ok blah blah heard it before. What I'm really here to whine about is the max wtf were they thinking? A shotgun you have to be ******* kidding me. A shotgun... I don't know what to say you're telling me while the VS get a plasma cannon and **** and the other faction has dual miniguns I'm sitting here with a 10 foot range 7 round clip shotgun and grenade launcher useless for infantry. I understand we are supposed to be short range powerhouses but no At least give it something like a 3 barrel 20 round automatic high power machine gun. A god.
  2. Daioh

    the Terran republic will not reliquish our schematics for the MAX manned minigun

    what about a high-splash damage, medium range, MAX portable canon?
  3. Kache

    Back to COD for you, kiddo.
    • Up x 5
  4. ent|ty

    I own it up even more on a Level 1 NC, than my better-geared TR BR 31 HA.... NC is fine.
  5. VSDerp

    new conglomerate isn't under powered. the players just suck basically.well not all of them...
  6. SpaceMuppet

    That is because you learn't to play up to BR 31.

    So then when you went and made a new character at BR 1 and you did a lot better then your first character who is now BR 31........

    Look I'm not even going to try to explain it, your a ****** for trying to compare.
  7. SpaceMuppet

    NC just did there Reaver fixed.

    Once they nerf VS's easy mode god like weapons and MBT, we can then finally talk about what is balanced and whats not.
  8. RykerStruvian

    Use a hacksaw MAX in a biolab and then complain to me about having a shotgun MAX.
    • Up x 3
  9. DeadOnArrival

    Dear OP come play on Mattherson where NC has 2/3 continents 80% of the time.
    • Up x 2
  10. CoD4ever

    I agree, NC players are just bad and not as good as Vanu, we TR just mop the floor with them.
  11. Protios

    This x 1000
  12. HadesR

    NC weapons are not to bad ... About on par with TR .. but not as Xbox as VS
  13. Nephera

    Use a hacksaw max anywhere else and complain to me about having mercies.
  14. xpsyclosarinx

    Until you learn to format your rant like a normal person I'm not reading this.
  15. Blast Hardcheese

    While I can agree that NC weapons are a little harder to deal with since they seem to excel at range but suck up close, I still have more fun as NC for some reason. I play on Briggs and am part of a large outfit. We have repeatedly helped in taking over both Esamir and Amerish. The Vanu and TR seem stuck mostly fighting over Indar. Most of the NC players are pretty derpy but with some careful herding they can get the job done. Sure I can't snipe as well with my 7F as VS can with a Solstice or Orion, and TR only have two weapons on our server (TRAC-5 and CARV), but they're never a major threat despite roughly even pops. Does this mean that we Kiwis and Aussies are better NC players or something? :p
  16. ent|ty

    ..|.. , nub.
    'nuff said.
  17. Tuarel

    NC players aren't any worse than players of the other factions. The problem is that NC requires significantly more skill to be used effectively but even then they're at a disadvantage to the other factions.

    Simply put, it requires much more effort to play as NC with no benefits whatsoever. I'm perfectly fine with NC requiring more skill, but it needs to come with distinct advantages.

    NC is very much the underdog in every way and anybody who says otherwise is in complete denial.
  18. QuantumMechanic

    Wow, somebody complaining about the scattermax? Hah.

    Sure complain about your SAW, and your carbines... but the scattermax? Really?

    I think you are using it wrong. The thing is a beast.
  19. CoD4ever

    Sure it does bud, you and your overpowered reavers and maxes take alot of skill to play.

    Just learn to play like vanu, they never whine on the boards about their stuff, look up to them and get better.
  20. Tuarel

    Reavers aren't overpowered. If anything they're the only example of faction balance. Reavers may hit harder and take more damage, but they're quite slow and have poor maneuverability.

    And the MAXes aren't really overpowered either. Yes they will do a ton of damage up close, but the easy solution to that is to not get close.

    You're complaining about the NC's faction trait, which is all about raw power and can only be seen in the Reaver, AI MAX, and Vanguard, all of which can be effectively countered by the other factions. The faction trait of the NC is supposed to make them superior in a head-on fight, they're supposed to have loads of brute strength at the cost of speed an maneuverability. TR can overwhelm with sheer numbers and VS have high maneuverability that lets them hit wherever they want whenever they want.

    In the games current state though, the NC doesn't have the raw power need to compensate for it's severe disadvantages. They may hit a bit harder and take a bit more punishment in some things, but the numbers still result in lower efficiency than the other factions. With all other factors being equal, and NC infantry in a 1vs1 against the same infantry of the other empires is going to lose. Do understand what I'm saying here? In a contest of brute strength, the NC will always lose because they are so severely underpowered, which is completely unacceptable when brute strength is supposed to be their factions strong-suit.

    The only areas where the NC currently seem strong(Reaver, ScatterMAX, Vanguard) are actually the only areas in which the NC is actually up to par with the other factions.

    And Vanu don't complain because they have nothing to complain about, they're already overpowered/easymode.