[Guide] Having common sense while playing and developing a game ~ The fairy tale of humans using their heads

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aerensiniac, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Aerensiniac

    Im sorry, but personally i am no fan of severe limitations on everything that has a good potential of killing. Following that logic and 95% of the posts on the forum, we should remove the "shooter" from FPS and sell it as "First Person" games where the characters have no weapons of any form, nor limbs to hurt each other with, cause clearly anything that can actually kill someone is OP.

    I respectfully disagree with the entire notion.
    Make liberators specialize in anti armor and anti infantry (not anti everything) was the only suggestion amongst liberator topics that ever sported some common sense behind it.
    Everybody else just wants them gone from the skies or dead merely by sneezing at them.
    I have roughly explained where that will take the game and i stand by that point.
    The nerfery will go on till vehicles become obsolete and the entire game just collapses into itself because with the vehicle play being made useless, the game cant show ANYTHING that would be worthwhile playing cause even Team Fortress beats Planetside in terms of meta-game and warranty.
  2. Crazyfingers

    I probably came off as too harsh in my post, i'm really tired right now. I agree, map layout is pretty terrible and agree wholeheartedly it needs revamping.

    It's not that liberators are too powerful, that's not my point, it's that they're too powerful in a way that's not fun.

    If liberators were fun to fight and allowed for back and forth play, the terrible base design wouldn't be so obvious as a MAJOR concern. Games with a rock solid core don't need precise and perfect level layouts to be entertaining, they surpass faults in these areas by being "organic" in their design, so combat in MANY types of scenarios are fun and engaging for all sides.

    Ideally, the current map layout would work with the balance of air, ground, and infantry in planetside, and various other base layouts would work too. It builds variety. Hopefully this is sorta making sense.

    I'll use Mario as an example. You make any friggin' level in mario it's gonna be fun, controls are tight as hell, the environemnts and enemies all interact in interesting ways, everything just mixes into this incredibly fun sort of play where all manner of combinations are interesting.

    Seriously, think of the massive variety of levels you've experienced playing mario right now.

    Now think of sonic the hedgehog. The gameplay's less dynamic, the ring system sorta sucks, the entire damned level is on rails because things don't properly work together to be fun in anything but 1 type of design. There's a reason why Mario is the king of platformers and sonic isn't. It's because the core systems in mario are fun, engaging, interconnected and dynamic. Now look at the relationship between infantry and liberators. Much more similar to sonic than mario. Again i hope this makes some sembelance of sense and i don't come off as a babbling lunatic.

    Air and infantry just don't mix on any level where there is a give and take type play like there is with all other forms of combat in planetside 2.

    My take on fixing this is adding interesting and more involved anti air weapons for infantry (i'd love to see guided rockets)to replace the bore of watching your lock on rockets get eaten by flares.

    And as stated above, by increasing the aoe and reducing the damage on libs, you extend the actual combat portion of the play. Instead of flying in and killing everything in 4 seconds now maybe it takes 12 seconds, and it gives the infantry time to scatter, so now there's a more interesting battlefield with more targets. The larger AOE is also just pretty fun, weapons with aoe's are kick ***. I'm rambling now...

    thanks for the discussion guys!
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  3. SeraphC

    +1 you are of course right (not that these are new remarks) and thank you for taking the time to make it an amusing read.
  4. Daedrick

    That being said; Indeed, you are right, I never noticed it until now. But unlike ground vehicles there is no mobile ammo dispenser such as the sunderer, you have to go back to the nearest launch pad to reload. I never flew a rocket pod ESF, but as an infantry it feels to me their ammunition never run out... maybe because I never survive more than 3 salvo.
  5. SzeronTzur

    It's like I'm playing Civilization 4...

    Seriously though, I agree. Getting camped at a spawn doesn't make me hate the Liberator/ESFs/Armor, it makes me hate the base design which allows it to happen in the first place. That said, I do still think the Zephyr should be a single-shot weapon like the Dalton and most every other HE weapon in the game.
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  6. Dark_Horst

    this thread, it's....

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  7. Lightwolf

    I came here expecting a torrent of condescending nerf/buff/L2P shouts. Instead, I find not only an awesome stack of tanks, but a well reasoned and beautiful torrent of truth.
    +2 faith in humanity.
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  8. Daedrick

    bump for visibility.
  9. K-On

    Sad to see such a good idea for a game wast... Going to take a break from this bored.
  10. A puppeteer

    Please, do not attempt to reason with these mongoloids, let them ruin the game for the devs, that is what devs who listen to them really deserve.

    They did it once all the way to the end of beta and they will do it again, if devs still take their opinions as something remotely relevant then they do deserve what is coming.
  11. Blarg20011

    I hereby propose that we elect OP as Savior and Prophet of PS2. May he live a long, happy life.
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  12. Drayth

  13. HadesR

    The problem is both Imo .. Poor base design which is a given .. and while the Lib may not be overly OP it is unbalanced in general game play terms
    No clue who thought having a flying MBT with pin point accuracy, high fire rate and NV scopes was a " good " idea o_O

    To achieve proper balance Imo everything need's to be balanced within itself first .. For every good side there should be a down side

    Ie: Good armour , High Health but bad accuracy and fire rate or vice versa

    When everything is just a tick list of good point's you know something is wrong , and that's across the whole game not just Lib's
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  14. Pinchy

    I can't believe they censored "b u l l" That is just sad.
  15. Takoita


    For the mother of the Holy Handgrenade itself, a hundred times yes!
  16. ArcMinuteLight

    So you be tellin' me, that this, ABOMINATION is not *an* issue?
  17. A puppeteer

    As long as it is not harmful and somehow amusing, no.
  18. cheerstoyou

    This is a really good post/thread... PS2 is technically excellent, but where is the imagination, the concept, the grand design, the soul?

    I don't expect it to be done overnight but what this game is actually supposed to be is still very much a mystery to me.

    EDIT: For some of the copy-paste world designs, keep in mind finances and deadlines are always a factor in how the real world actually gets stuff done.
  19. Bill Hicks

    All I read was " I deserve my 5:1 K/D spawn camping in my liberator" Bad base design allows bads to think they have any idea how to balance a game. The only reason they didnt immediately nerf you back to sanity is that they probably found out the only people playing on their ghost servers are pilots and tank drivers
  20. Castor

    Indeed you have a point and that's probably why nerfing is a so common solution: it's a cheap quick "fix". And granted, rome wasn't build in one day.

    And yes we've all heard of excelent game ruined by executive medling, lack of vision, lack of budget, time, technical resources and whatnot.

    Nevertheless I think, maybe naively, that's it's worth continuing to rant politely without lowering our (very) high expectation for this game or any other. Because idiots tend to scream a lot and repeat themself all the time while normal people tend to avoid stating the obvious ( or they do it out of boredom, exaustion or cynicaly ). So I guess it's only normal to loose focus and beeing unable to remember your basics when yelled at by an angry over-reacting crowd.

    By the way I like how people disagree but stay polite and open to other view.

    And now I think of another reason why I stayed and tried PS2 while I've quit other: I can't remember a single time when I was insulted during my time on auraxis. So much for "sport" in some other game.

    Yep i'm tired and therefore obviously stated the obvious again. Hope I haven't all bored you to death. You seems decent enough.

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