Just saw this on YouTube

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Protential, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Protential

    This guy is hillarious...He also seems to have some serious issues. Screaming the same thing over and over...

    Lmao...WTF this is hillarious.

    Certain times he is so excited and talking so fast it sounds like a bunch of jibberish from a fat auctioneer.

    Video is awesome though...Why can't we stand up to Air Zergs like this :p
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  2. Madiadk

    teamwork :).. something im missing where i play.
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  3. Jester7x

    these ragers are the type of people that make the game annoying
  4. Madiadk

    note... he actually have to talk like that or people WILL get slobby..
  5. Jester7x

    You can have teamwork without people screaming obscenities at you. Thats not the sign of a good leader.
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  6. Phsychotica

    Some pretty awesome teamwork. The commander is really bad but at least the team works well. Silencing people when they're calling targets, filling comms with swearing and yelling when he should remain quiet and my personal favourite:

    "Target the Sunderers! Alright looks like we got em now hit the Vanguards! There's another Sunderer! Why the hell are you shooting Vanguards?!?" (Paraphrased)

    "This guy is hillarious...He also seems to have some serious issues." You nailed that to a word.
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  7. MiZrY

    Who was it again that said lock-on launchers were useless?
  8. Redshift

    That's buzzcutpsycho, he's a little intense and often a little ******** ;)
  9. Rager

    People follow him so *shrugs* if he is getting things done acting like that. Can't really complain about it.

    You can like or dislike his leadership, but a leader is only a leader if people will follow, and they seem to follow him.
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  10. Maidere

    Focusing called out targets with the autoaim rocket launchers is called "great teamwork" nowdays lol.
    When I dont like 666, they couldnt even fight back because I'm sure that Inf's cant see this infantry from the bottom of the canyon.
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  11. Rager

    Considering how many people are willing to lead anymore. People take what they can get. To them, just doing something that simple is great team work.
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  12. MasterChiefette

    That is the leader of Enclave, BuzzcutPsycho. Guy is a little over zealous, but that is cool, he likes Planetside 2 and if more people played with his dedication - this game would be totally different animal. He has a channel on Twitch TV where he does live broadcast. When he rolls his troops, they crush everything in their path. They are how the old PS TR were - they annihilated all in their way - like a massive wave of army ants - just killing anything in there path.
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  13. Wobberjockey

    here's the other video of buzz. apparently his mouth has earned him a personal warning from smed.

    honestly some people are motivated in different ways. if this works for the enclave. great. good on them.
    but people like this raging at everyone just ruin the game for the rest of us who are trying to coordinate our factions. I'm just glad i don't have to deal with him on my server (and that fact has nothing to do with his combat prowess, faction, or outfit)
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  14. Maidere

    I also like how 666 are telling everyone that they arent a zerg.
  15. Zer0range

    Tourette's in combination with too much caffeine.
  16. Stormlight666

    Since that last patch I now use my Annihilator ALL the time. I don't get a lot of certs but its fun making vehicles run away to try and avoid the faster rockets. Especially ATV's - they hit a bump and jump only for it to catch them and BOOM!
  17. Idono

    Been there and done that already. 1 month after launch me and my outfit were sitting above Broken Arch doing the same thing breaking an entire VS zerg towards Tawrich.
  18. Tvayumat

    Infantile, impotent nerd rage from a military wannabe. I shudder to imagine that he might actually be IN our military but then, I've met enough of his kind to know there are sergeants left and right with their heads that far up their rear ends.

    TE is a solid outfit that tends to stomp face, and provide some of the more entertaining if brief skirmishes.

    The man gets results, so if you are cool with being verbally abused over a video game to see a happy little XP number pop up consistently, join The Enclave!
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  19. Errorplane

    Lol. Buzz must have decided it wasn't a good idea to leave the rest of the video on there. The fight wasn't over. About 5 minutes after this point in the battle a couple squads of 666th flank his crew on the canyon walls and TE loose the fight. At that point Buzz starts insulting his outfit members and blaming them for loosing the base. Incompetence starts at the top champ! He had a video of it on his twitch for a while. We found out about it and had a good laugh so he took it down.
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  20. Tvayumat

    Yep, that sounds like Buzz.

    He's a real sportsman, that one.
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