VS MAX needs a buff

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Demon0fk0, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Demon0fk0

    The NC have their notorius shotguns, which I have no complaint about, because they're range is limited. The TR have double miniguns, which do great damage, and although weaker than the shotguns, have better range. The VS on the other hand, have the Blue Shift, the Quasar, Nebula... All total crap.

    The NC MAX easily dispatches other MAXs with double shotguns, assuming they're within the shotgun's range.
    The TR MAX can win against any of the other two factions MAX suits, assuming they're outside of shotgun range.
    The VS MAX.... well, even with double blue-shifts it dies pitifully to any other MAX without much of a fight

    Where's the balance there? The three MAXs have the same anti air and similar anti tank capabilities. Yet, for some reason, the VS MAX is crap against infantry and other MAXs. All I ask simply buff them to match the other two. It can be a new weapon or just a reskin of the Mercy minigun or one of the NC shotguns. It doesn't matter how you do it, but please, make it so the VS MAX isn't utterly useless.
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  2. Intruder313

    I've been mown down by VS AI Maxes - what's exactly is the issue? ( I don't have the data sheets to hand but tempted to dig them out again now )
  3. Hackerr

    just thought id say this but do you read the forum before you post??? i posted a possibility of 2 vanu max weapons like 12 hours ago.
    (looking back at that it sounded a bit rude, sorry but that was not my intention)
  4. SzeronTzur

    Don't underestimate the comet. Two direct hits will kill pretty much any infantry outright. In addition, you're also useful against maxes, armor and lazy aircraft.

    That said, the AI weapons are still.. competent. The VS max is probably the one max that actually benefits from mixed weapons, either mixed AI weapons to get the benefit of faster reloads, or throw in a comet for extra flexibility.
  5. Jac70

    Nah the VS Max is junk. The AI weapons are so inaccurate that landing shots on infantry can take 2-3 seconds. More than enough time for them to jump and skip around you, throwing packs of C4 or drilling your skull with rifle fire. Try doing that against an NC Max!

    The AV weapon is crap also, although I expect they are on a par with other factions equivalent. I needed 5 shots to destroy an abandoned Flash. FIVE shots :eek: - on the weakest vehicle in the game. This was at about 10-15 meters, couldn't believe it would take so many - gawd knows how many you need to take out a tank.
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  6. MikeDK

    It's not junk, just not as deadly as the NC hacksaw max in close range. VS Nebula + Cosmos seems to work quite well.
  7. CBCronin

    I've been VS quite a while now and never had much luck with the Nebulas weapon accuracy at med range. Bought Cosmos and that changed significantly, but I did play as NC on another server the other day and faced off against some new VS player (Br2) maxes with incredibly accurate Nebulas (the likes of which I know not possible).
  8. Bearcat

    Just wait until they finally implement the empire-specific MAX abilities... the VS MAXes get the coolest ability: Jump Jets!
  9. SzeronTzur

    Pretty sure they don't want maxes to have Jump Jets this time around. (as awesome, fun and intuitive as they were to use in PS1)

    I wouldn't mind the VS MAX getting a stationary cloak as an alternative. I think that would be fair and help create a more interesting gameplay style where the VS employ MAXes as ambush units, the TR use them as deployable heavy turrets with lockdown and NC use them as moving walls with their over-shields(I would like to see it be directional/frontal only in this game though).
  10. Fear The Amish

    Yeah for the VS max just buy 1 blue shift so Quasar and Blueshift combo you can fire for days because one will reload while other is shooting great for CQB. also if you crouch you look like a crab... =)
  11. mistikl

    Dual Cosmos is pretty awesome for suppression. Remember, you don't necessarily need to get the kills, if the enemy is hiding from the MAX spraying bullets everyone. Use your MAXes as a psychological weapon and as a bullet-sponge, not necessarily as a killing machine.
  12. Kiddneey

    ..whilst the TR and NC use their MAXes as psychological weapons, bullet-sponges AND killing machines. Mmhm.
  13. lncabin

    VS maxes need like a melee lightsaber weapon. Like use the charge to get into melee range of a group of players and just hack them down with the laser saber.
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  14. Paqu

    No its not. VS MAX with dual comets is propably the best infantry unit against armor in this game.

    When you land both shots it does about the same damage as the regular rocket launcher. And landing the shots isn't too hard thanks to pin point accuracy and no bullet drop. Main advance over HA is that you have tons of ammo and it reloads roughly 2x faster.

    If it took you five shots to take out flash I dont know where you have been hitting. Not on the flash for sure.
  15. Quiiliitiila

    I can vouch for him, I was shooting at a flash and took four shots at it without it blowing up, then a lightning came around and finished the job for me. I don't own dual comets, I've been thinking of getting my second... Hope they work as well as you say :p
  16. Veri

    I just want a mediu8m range particle beam weapon for the VS max which slices through things.
    Like some sort of anti infantry/vehicle weapon with no splash damage.
    To make it fair and not have other factions cry nerf, it can have a short charge up time before the beam blasts out and needs certs to reduce overheating like turrets.

    Just so it actually feels like the Vanu have found some decent Ancient Tech.
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  17. Vortok

    VS MAX is kind of like a Vanguard without the shield ability or better front armor. It works and it can get the job done against most targets... it's just kinda bland and boring compared to what the other two factions have access to.
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  18. PsyStorm

    We need something to compete in close quarters. I get shredded by maxes from other factions to the point I just don't feel it's fair.
  19. Ptyochromis

    God, that sounds like a horrible idea. Not only would you be running away from your engie support but everyone and their mother could kite you.
  20. MaxDamage

    The VS AI MAX is excellent at killing regular infantry. That's its job.