[VS] Zeph Helmet

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Steveo, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Steveo Member

    3d - http://p3d.in/fMcm6

    Im a little bit over my tri count, got some optimizing to do, its all 1 single mesh no elements.

    What do you guys think ?
  2. Biscuit3 Member

    Pro: I like the shape, can go pretty far with it and has alot of options to choose from

    Con: the general design along with the way the mesh is made seems conflicted, the front along with the lower sides compliment each other, but the top sides and the top back looks to be fighting for the helmet to carry a different design entirely, which leads to abit of confusion when looking at the mesh as a whole

    is the helmet itself as helmet or a hoodie/hood of some type? if a helmet, define it abit more and bust down some of the round/soft areas around the helmet. harden it up abit more, if you do that then i believe the areas i spoke of earlier of being conflicted may fair better.
  3. Steveo Member

    Thanks for the feedback :). Yeah its meant to be a helmet, i gotta optimize so i got the topology to define the edges/harden it up some more, i think i can claw back maybe 1k tris if i do it properly, should be enough for the edges.
  4. DataDragon Member

    I just worry that it looks a bit too much like the Geth from Mass Effect, was that your inspiration?
  5. Fuzz Active Member

    does look a LOT like the thingies from ME, but also doesnt look very vanu? it looks more terran with the big sweeping curved hood?
  6. Steveo Member

    Yeah i had some inspiration from geth and some other stuff. Its different enough that it wont be a problem.
  7. eldarfalcongravtank Member

    i love this helmet as it is;) really unique design and face! awesome job man
  8. JetSetz Member

    Looks interesting, the overall head looks different from any helmet we have in collection...
    The "eye" part might need a little bit of love... :oops:
    And also at first glance, one thing i'd say is this thin line around the front of the head makes the hood look like one of those Eskimo hoodies lol. Perhaps work that line out a bit (make it thicker or a border or something) so it doesn't look like knitted cloth and removes that impression (unless you actually wanted it to look that way, idk). Otherwise, good work ;)
  9. Steveo Member

    Thanks :).
    I have to change the whole design .. Tramell says doesn't look VS. Kinda killed my creativeness so.. will sit on this for few days, not sure really what to do.
  10. McFluff Active Member

    make the eye a touch less "BAM!!! I AM AN EYEBALL!!!" and make it more subtle, as well as do a general sharpening of edges so it doesn't look like its made of some soft squishy polymer.

    other than that, I think the concept has a lot of potential, just needs a bit of love and time

    good luck!
  11. Ramazan Sultanov Member

    I like it :3 It's look like the Core Bots from the Portal Series ;D (spaaaaaaaaaaaceee!!)
  12. Steveo Member

    Here is another update trying to make it more VS. I re did the design of the geo on the top, and i remade the eye so its way more high tech. Its still heavy WIP and i have much more to do, the sides will be changing as it evolves.

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