VS Azoth armor

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by AfableAutomaton, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. AfableAutomaton Member

    Here is an Armor set Ive been working. The overall armor is somewhat final but Im still adding more bits and bobs as I get a better idea of where the poly counts stand for the individual concepts. Im also doing a second pass on the UVs/textures to clean up things that should and shouln't have camo coverage as well as adressing a couple spots that need to be better relaxed.

    Please take a look and let me know what you think. If you have any thoughts on equipment and placement I will see if I can work it in ( Im trying to get everything practical in but i dont want to "clutter" it up if it can be helped)

    Lastly, Once I get these done, Im going to work a Max armor in a similar style.


  2. Slytacular Member

    Hey! If the first helmet is your creation, I bought that one!

    I like all the designs except the Heavy Assault. I've never been a big fan of the over-extended spiky stuff that I see on the gorget and neck piece, but I'm sure some nerds will like it. I will say, your stuff does look tastefully Vanu.
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  3. AfableAutomaton Member

    Yeah, all the helmets shown are mine. The Cyclopean was my first submission, still one of my Favs. Really cool to know others like it too! Tanx 4 da support!!!

    As for the HA, Yeah, Vanu designs to me are alot of V and W shapes so it kinda lends its self to the spikes. The angles Im showing it from in these previews make the ones around the neck stand out more than they deserve. Once I get it all finalized I will have to do more views and see if I cant persuade you to like it.

    And if its any consolation, Im considering makeing a second set of armors based on ideas Ive had that did work with this set. No spikey spikes on that set I promise :)
  4. Slytacular Member

    Yeah, I get that impression too with Vanu. I would like to see more of a push towards a future car look with Vanu, rather than scale-like alien. Which is why I bought your cyclopean helmet. I would love to see a kind of mirror-like armour that compliments the look. Especially with Heavy Assault armour continuing the same theme as your cyclopean helmet, that would be awesome.

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