TR Tacitus Helm

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Foreal, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Faven Active Member

    So much better!

    If you're doing it as a MAX, might I suggest making it just a tad more compact at the top. Took the liberty of squeezing it a bit in photoshop. Just gives it a bit more of a brute-ish feel maybe?

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  2. Foreal Member

    Thanks Faven. Yeah if I ever get to submit I think it will be for MAX. Might be good for heavy to though. Wonder if a heavy and max can share a helmet......either way I would want to target what ever will end up selling more if accepted, and I'm not sure a class specific will help that. Anyway I'll keep refining until I can eventually submit.
  3. Faven Active Member

    Pretty sure MAX/heavy cant share asset, You would need to create 2 different ones.

    If you want the most bang for your buck you should do a non-class specific for sure...Kinda wish I did that instead of doing a gazillion infil-helmets:D
  4. TramellRayIsaac Senior Art Director

    the fins out was the only thing on the helmet that didnt follow the design language of helmet
  5. Foreal Member

    Totally agree with you TRay. It was a very minor thing that I was happy to change, and I am preferring it this way too now. The only reason they were out before was to appear flared and angry, but now I see it wasn't really communicating that anyhow. I appreciate your free art direction. Thank you.

    Faven, your Infiltrator helmets will sell like hot cakes I am sure. They are so distinct, and I am sure anyone who likes to cloak it up every now and then will buy these. You took the hard road but I think it will pay off there.
    Yeah I'm also quite sure Max and heavy can't share asset - but maybe they should...... :eek:
  6. TramellRayIsaac Senior Art Director

    low poly that mfr
  7. Faven Active Member

    hear hear
  8. Battleballs Member

    I'm liking the changes. The tighter the fit the better the hit.;)
  9. MaceMadunusus Member

    This is looking really good :)
  10. Foreal Member

    thanks for kind words guys. Working on low poly now. Won't be done this weekend tho. I'll have a version or 2 up by the end of the next week though. Making sure I do it right. Perk of having time up the sleeve.
  11. Foreal Member

    can u dig it?!
    TR Tacitus Helm (View in 3D)
    I finally found the time to do the low poly.
    Texturing done with game texture provided.
    5928 triangles.
    Just wish I were eligible, because I'd say this bad boy be ready to go.
    I'll be doing variations (for lighter classes) and of course any alterations needed by art department.
  12. Faven Active Member

    I can dig it!. But for baby jesus sake take away that red light surface light-thingy, makes it really hard to look at;)

    Can I suggest plugging the hole between the breather tube and the 2 vents? Basically I would make the entire thing watertight
  13. Nicococo Active Member

    Hey Foreal. Nice to see an update but like Faven posted before, make the entire thing watertight and also, you've got alot of UV distortion going on.
  14. Foreal Member

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I needed it. It's like staring at the sun too long - gone blind to all the flaws in it.
    Ok Faven, I took the specular light down and made it white - even though I hate the baby jesus :eek:
    Nicococo - thanks for drawing my attention to the uv distortion - I've tried quickly fixing some of it up but there is quite a bit to touch up (which I must've subconsciously ignored)- will have another crack tonight.
    Regarding the water-tightness I thought this meant something else - where adjacent edges meet must share the same vertices and not double up on vertices creating more vertices and floating faces. But I re-read the guidelines and see that no loose shells is what kills me (Tramell can u plz confirm or deny this). The cheek plates are supposed to sit off the face as part of the design but I will see what I can do. The eyes, exhausts, ears and tubing will need to join up to the main body though as they are floating shells. So I'm further from the finish line than I thought.

    here is update on 3d
    Planetside 2 - TR Tacitus Helm r2 (View in 3D)
  15. Foreal Member

    More changes - trying to go back to a more angry look - will keep tweaking and twerking
    Mesh is more watertight now.

    Planetside 2 - TR Tacitus Helm r3 (View in 3D)
  16. Rhust Member

    First off, love this design. A lot!

    I definately preferred it WITH the main eyes, as in the original concept.

    My main complaint is that the geometry seems really lumpy in certain areas. Perhaps you could smooth/flatten that out. I would try to make it look as much like the original sculpt as possible, that looked fantastic!
  17. Tenebrae Member

    Agreed, keep the main eyes.

    With that said, awesome work! Has a very Fallout kind of feel about it, yet looks completely TR...very, very, nice.
  18. FlippyWarbear New Member

  19. Foreal Member

    hahaha FlippyWarbear that is awesome - reminds me of something from Jim Henson. Maybe I'll put a neck sock on the top and submit that too lol.

    Thanks for the feedback Rhust and Tenebrae - I was still going to add the eyes to the mesh but it was just a late night experiment to gauge the reaction to having them out. Yeah I agree I still have some geo pushing, pulling and relaxing to do - getting there slowly. Want to make it as kick *** as possible.
  20. Faven Active Member

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