There was a problem uploading the selected file.

Discussion in 'Guides' started by LaRoso, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. LaRoso New Member

    I tried to upload a Decal. As I was said before: one .tga-file in .zip-folder and .jpg as 'screenshot'. So why does it say "There was a problem uploading the selected file"?
  2. Syrah Developer

    Not enough information to work with. I'm looking through the invalid submissions and I can't link any of them back to this poster name. So I can't comment on what might be wrong.
  3. LaRoso New Member

    What do you want to know? Uploaders name's LaRoso, Decal's name is Black Guard
  4. Syrah Developer

    Let's try this again. There is nothing that has been submitted to Player Studio and deemed Invalid that is named Black Guard. What was the name of the .zip file itself?
  5. LaRoso New Member

    nvm. It worked now.
    Work by Magic ;)
    Thanks anyway for help

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