NC infiltrator.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Faven, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Faven Active Member

    ****Out with the old, in with the new****

    ****Latest progress*****


    ****Initall post****
    So whilst I struggle with understanding UV maps and textures and whatnot I figured I'll do some more doodling, in my book the NC infils have always been the red-headed step child. they never really looked as cool as vanu and TR. I mean the helm looks cool. But not as vicious as the other facitons.

    I can see why now. its incredibly difficult to do something that feels NC and yet feels stealthy.

    This is literary a 20 min sketch so it's way to "round" in terms of shape. But I quite like the faceplate and the belts and bucklets going on.

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  2. Nuntium Member

    I like the faceplate too, will it be glass or completely solid? I think a solid faceplate would be pretty cool.
  3. TramellRayIsaac Senior Art Director

    very cool start, I see where its going
  4. Faven Active Member

    Yes, the idea is all solid metal, potentially some slightly shinier metal...if that can be done. But yeah, no glass. Glass are for wusses.

    Also TR, glad you see where it's going, because I'm not 100% :D
  5. Faven Active Member

    its alive. or well 30% alive.

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  6. Balex54321 New Member

  7. Faven Active Member

    You got iron man out of that? meh

  8. B1ackops Member

    Bad A$$!!
  9. TramellRayIsaac Senior Art Director

    this has gone too close to iron man. the original sketch was much more closer to NC
  10. Faven Active Member

    I don't worry to much about it being close to iron man atm, as I said, its around 30% there, there needs to be buckles and god knows what. indentation on the visor. all that jazz
  11. TramellRayIsaac Senior Art Director

    buckles etc aren't going to change the shape of the visor and helmet. you were dead on, now you're off in the woods a bit.
  12. Faven Active Member

    Righty, so you're responding to the "slimness" of it.

    Fair enough, its a fine line to walk I think, getting that front visor and keeping it neat and stealthy and at the same time not to cross over into something that looks like a mix of VS and TR.

    Bulked it up a bit and made the base of it broader (which is more inline with the original sketch). still trying to figure out the mid part of the head. Ideally I want it to be quite clean but I recognize the need for details and bringing in some NC elements.

    Might want to broaden the chin strap a bit?

  13. Nuntium Member

    I liked the flatter faceplate in the concept more, I think you should go back to that.
  14. Faven Active Member

    Flatter for you Nuntium. Think I might prefer the other version, it feels a bit forced to me.

  15. Nuntium Member

    Hmm, yeah, I'm not really liking it either, i'd go back to the previous version as well.
  16. Tenebrae Member

    The rounded dome behind the faceplate, make that more angular...sort of like the faceplate itself. I think it'll give it that sturdy NC feel and solidify the design more without any TR elements.
  17. Faven Active Member

    Hey thanks for the thoughts Tenebrea, I think you're right, its not the faceplate only, its more of a "to much round faff".

    I gave the front a rest and started fleshing out the back/mid part a bit more. Not really happy about it since it still feels way to much TR. Need more angles and need more chunk. But nice chunk..hmm

    Also did a quck color. But struggling a bit with it. However I must say I'm quite pleased with the silhouette from the side at the moment, With some tweaks I think it can be quite beautiful

  18. Tenebrae Member

    How about something like this?


    Though, my little edit here is a bit rough and not quite proportional to the head...but you get the idea. Just cut some more angular features and give a much more bulky feel to that particular area and I think it'll look much more NC.
  19. Faven Active Member

    Yeah was thinking something like that, im just so used to "slow" so it hurts a bit

    Did a quicky, angled up the visor and the back. Was a bit of quick and dirty so not great but it does feel more NC so cheers for the tip!

  20. Tenebrae Member

    Indeed, much more NC...

    Refine it accordingly and see what T-Ray has to say, looks less Ironman to me.

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