Season Four Update

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheDrizzle22, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. TheDrizzle22 Member

    This is by far my favorite update to date. The fast TTK has brought back the fast pace, adrenaline, widened the skill gap. Forcing each person to out play their opponent. This has also relit the fire I had for this game. I hope you have the fortitude to keep the meta like this.

    I have noticed that the m40s quick scope is a little bugged out, also that more lag is occurring during shotgun fights. There is a minor 3rd person ADS glitch that will block from shooting completely. Team mates seem to block my 3rd person ADS often. Reloading seems to cancel sometimes for no reason. All minor kinks I hope.

    I'd like to see the ability to change shoulder of the weapon. It sucks always having to peak right.

    Great update!
    R.I.P. riot, Hello hellfire
  2. 2high2die420 Member

    Love the update, the content not so much. 3rd person has made it so you can counter shotgun rushing and makes you play more tactical or someone will beam you in .2 seconds. A lot more movement in fights than pull up and bunny hop feels like a different game with a lot of these battles. I was pretty skeptical of 3rd but it has made the game a lot more fun. RPG is even usable now as well as pistols/hellfire etc.