Increase FFA more

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kdot, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. kdot Member

    Increase the kill limit in FFA. 25 kills is to short of a match, especially when there are sweats in the lobby hahaahah, imo. How do you guys feel?
  2. Cole_MacGraft Member

    25 seems fine. Doesn't seem to grindy. However, they should change how you can't damage people that just spawn but they can damage you. I feel they shouldn't be able to deal damage until try can take it.
  3. kdot Member

    That does seem like a good ideal tbh
  4. jgolenbo Community Relations

    Good suggestions! We're trying not to tinker with the meta in the short-term (kill limit, timer, etc) but are taking in all of your suggestions so we can see where the community lands in advance of Season 4. Our current focus right now regarding FFA is ironing out the foundational issues (performance, etc) before making any bigger changes.
  5. kdot Member

    I definitely think what you guys are doing, trying to fix the FFA performance, is the best thing right now for FFA. Kudos Daybreak!!