Bristlebane Guide Events

Discussion in 'EverQuest Guide Events' started by Ryleth, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Ryleth Well-Known Member

    Greetings Bristlebane!

    The Guides of Bristlebane may use this thread to alert you to upcoming planned Guide Events being hosted on Bristlebane. If you want to be in the loop 24 hours a day. 7 days a week, click "Watch Thread" on the right-hand side of the thread, just above the body of the first post. You will receive emails/alerts any time a new post is made to that thread!

    Guide Event Disclaimer:
    Please remember that the actors for these events are players just like you who volunteer their time in the Volunteer Guide Program and events may be canceled or delayed without notice. In the event of a delayed or cancelled event, we will make every effort to inform you or the cancellation or delay.

    All times shown are considered Pacific Time unless otherwise stated.

    Interested in joining the Volunteer Guide Program?
  2. Riviere SWAT EQ

    This coming Saturday (4/25) at noon Pacific Time Bristlebane is having a talent contest! Do you have a special talent? Singing? Dancing? Storytelling? Come join us for a fun time!
    SilvHoshiEQBB likes this.
  3. Cyph Guest

    Greetings Bristlebane!

    We have plans for something special TODAY, May 2nd, around 1pm pacific (you know the plus/minus thingy so keep watching for global and/or channel announcements closely).

    Hope to see quite a few of you again!
  4. Riviere SWAT EQ

    Throughout the history of Norrath many of the civilizations have bizarre or deadly feats as a rite of passage. The Mad Dash is perhaps the most dangerous of all of those events. It is a race over dangerous terrain which tests not only the competitor's speed, but also their intellect. So lace up your running boots and join us Saturday, May 16th at noon PT and check out the latest course . . . it's a tough one! ;)
  5. Riviere SWAT EQ

    Greetings Bristlebane!
    We have a very special event for the month of June! We will be hosting a Shrouded Arena Competition throughout the month where you will fight to the death for prizes and points. Points? Why yes, depending on your how you finish in these competitions you will accumulate points for a chance at the grand prize at the end of the month! Sound like fun? Well the first event will be taking place Saturday, June 6 at 12:00pm PT (noon). Hope to see you there!
  6. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The first shroud event of June has been completed - So far the points are:

    Wendyyen (10)
    Bigbboom (7)
    Codein (5)
  7. Arcainos New Member

    Grats folks.

    Will there be an event each saturday for the month?
  8. Riviere SWAT EQ

    That's the plan! There will be a total of four events. If for any reason we have to postpone or reschedule we will post it here.
  9. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The second shroud event will take place Saturday, June 13th @12:00 pm PT (noon). Make sure to mark it on your calendar so you get your chance to win more prizes and more of the competition points!
  10. Aitsanna Member

    Thanks everyone who came out today! I hope we'll see you again soon.
  11. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The second shroud event of June has been completed:
    Total point standings:
    Wendyyen (17)
    Zimmzimbob (10)
    Bigbboom (7)
    Codein (5
  12. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The Festival of Crowns returns yet again. A grand tribute is planned as a gift to the King of Felwithe to thank him for protecting his lands and his people. Only the finest gifts and trinkets will be accepted and be brought before the King.
    You are cordially invited to join us Sunday, June 14th at 12:00 pm PT (noon) for a fun event where we will work together to construct our grand tribute!
  13. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The third shroud event will take place Saturday, June 20th @12:00 pm PT (noon). Make sure to mark it on your calendar so you get your chance to win more prizes and more of the competition points!

    Total point standings so far:
    Wendyyen (17)
    Zimmzimbob (10)
    Bigbboom (7)
    Codein (5)

    It's still anyone's game!
  14. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The third shroud event of June has been completed:

    Total point standings so far:

    Wendyyen (20)
    Zimmzimbob (15)
    Funkenstein (10)
    Silv (7)
    Bigbboom (7)
    Codein (5)
    Caino (1)

    Thanks to everyone who came out! We had a lot of fun! :)
  15. Riviere SWAT EQ

    The fourth and last shroud event will take place Saturday, June 27th @12:00 pm PT (noon). Make sure to mark it on your calendar so you get your chance to win more prizes and more of the competition points! We will be announcing the grand prize winner at the end of this event!
  16. Rogatien Guide EQ Bristle

    Greetings Bristlebane!

    We have plans for something fun early morning tomorrow, June 23rd, around noon pacific. We will be slaying anything that gets in our barshin' way! Watch your channels for an announcement...

    Hope to see quite a few of you again!
  17. Rogatien Guide EQ Bristle

    Greetings Bristlebane!

    We have plans for something fun tomorrow morning, June 24th, around 9am pacific. (Blast it all, time changes threw me into reverse!) Rumor has it that there will be an upcoming visit from some Felwithe nobility (of course we can’t tell you which noble family is to visit as that would be gossip) and we could use some assistance gathering some gifts for the Ladies of the visiting family. Watch your channels for an announcement...

    Hope to see quite a few of you again!
  18. Cyph Guest

    With points awarded today to:

    Zibbs (10)
    Wendyyen (7)
    Caino (5)
    Skelephreak (3)
    Zimmzimbob (1)

    We have the grand overall totals:

    Wendyyen (27)
    Zimmzimbob (16)
    Zibbs (10)
    Funkenstein (10)
    Silv (7)
    Bigbboom (7)
    Caino (6)
    Codein (5)
    Skelephreak (3)

    Congratulations to our winners today and of course to Wendyyen for winning this month's Guide Event!
  19. Riviere SWAT EQ

    We will be running a very special competition this coming Saturday! The Test of Endurance is widely considered the most grueling and vicious event in the Festival of Might. Due to the intense strain it placed on competitors it was removed from the Festival and largely forgotten about. According to scholars the last time the gauntlet was ran more than 29 contestants lost their life to falling, drowning, wildlife and even one small Gnome was trampled to death by a Centaur stampede! No, no... don't worry! It wasn't Yarlawion though he narrowly escaped the jaws of a great white shark!

    We will be running this event at 9am PT Saturday morning, July 11th. So watch for the announcement! And if you haven't done so already you will want to /join FMight chat channel and perhaps set it to /autojoin so you don't miss any of the other various events running throughout the month!
  20. Riviere SWAT EQ

    In case you missed the link to the Leaderboard here are the standings thus far for the Festival of Might, Days of the Tests!
    And the standing thus far:
    Standings per 2015-07-08 10am

    Ganrn - 20pts
    Pwning - 20 pts
    Silv - 20 pts
    Zimzimmbob - 15 pts
    Praxis - 15 pts
    Dorkkin - 15 pts
    Pokeit - 5 pts
    Shirak - 5 pts
    Kraitos - 5 pts