Producer's Letter: June 2015

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Fairan, Jun 5, 2015.

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  1. Dragohart New Member

    Well said.. friend!
  2. omax New Member

    Thanks for updating and keep us interested.
  3. MoonlessNight New Member

    I'm so excited to hear that, I've been going back and forth between ESO and SWTOR and EQ2 and none of them are working because I just want EQN! I feel some of the pain of the Landmark folks, but on a selfish level I love to see EQN being the top priority
  4. Shamshel New Member

    Old topic I know, but I wish Daybreak would focus less on their workshop videos and do something to show what they are doing other than the old videos of the lion and the woman. No race, monsters, or landscapes have been posted on the images in a while. I'm happy you are showing a lot of focus on what the players are contributing in the workshop but not all of us are builders. I liked the polls but what about things the rest of us can do? We each have our own ideas and talents. I saw some pretty epic sketches of races not shown yet (such as this Ratonga Many of us would volunteer without wish of reward, like myself, to help complete this project that is EQNext. I, like many, are ready to explore this new world. Many want a challenge that involves tactics and balanced raid parties, many want to enjoy the lore, many want to experience the atmosphere of Norrath, and others want to enjoy the best community in any MMORPG's which is Everquest 1 & 2. Help us help you past the restrictions that only crafters and builders in Landmark can do. Show us there is just more going on than fancy building contests in Landmark..
    I'll forever be a citizen of Norrath as long as the realms exist, even when I venture away, I always come home.
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  5. Kix Member

    I couldn't say it any better. Focus on EQN? Seems like your still focused on Landmark. I go to the EQN page and all I see is Landmark stuff. I go to the EQN forums and I see Landmark. As Shamshel has stated, I am also not a builder and really would rather hear about EQN than about some contest or looking to see what someone built in Landmark. I can see tons of Landmark builds on YouTube, Google, etc. I wanna see something other than buildings someone made in Landmark.
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  6. Syra Well-Known Member

    While I would love to disagree, I still have to agree with the both of you. I've seen way to much buildings. And don't get me wrong. I even loved the explanations of certain systems like the way the A.I. should work stuff like that! I enjoyed that as well. But lately that does not seem to be the priority any more, which I think is a sad thing.
  7. Avathos New Member

    After watching the workshops and the level of effort placed into making everything looking perfect, I am very impressed with the level of visual quality, beauty and detail that EQN will have.
    Like everyone else I cant wait for more EQN development news and informational releases; however, I also would like to see the same level of care, detail and excellence.
    I look forward to a complete, well designed game, which incites people to band and play together. Let's go back to MMO's were created which is to be social.

    This maybe stupid but here is what i wish for EQN:
    1- Individual Character,
    EQ-2 did an awesome making 24 classes useful and at the same unique during raids. I am personally sick and tired of the one character does it all and spec changes on the fly. I personally want my character to be unique with its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to play style.

    2- MMO Experience,
    A game that incite grouping and leveling. I never played MMO's to solo and truly dont understand why people do it. However, I understand and accept that a big portion of today's gamer like the soloing idea. I would like DayBreak to bring back PvE into EQN, and with this I mean: make death meaningful, make NPCs hard to kill, force people to work together to achieve something bigger than themselves. Making players working together for days, weeks, months, etc. to build villages, cities, take vast armies of enemies.

    I have many other request and personal expectations, but it will be selfish for me to post all this crap here.

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  8. Syra Well-Known Member

    I would like to add one more for the list: Please, pretty pretty please, make the A.I. use ability's, and, please, dont make them use the same ability's every single time! I know this sounds stupid but after playing a bit of WoW again I realised one of the things that annoys me the most is the lack of interesting monsters. Heck, even bosses just stand and basic attack sometimes! Can we please fix that and make them more interesting?
    And on a side note: Beasts tend to run after being attacked and losing to much blood. Can we add such a thing to the game as well? :) Ty!!! <3

  9. Shamshel New Member

    I agree, the multi class thing is now stale. Was hot when EQN was announced but no longer. I get you're catering to the younger generation but the reason EQ and WoW was so popular was the classic roles of one class per character but with AA's to make it unique. Rumors that will have it being twitch combat where you hack and slash. There is just too much lag in MMO's open environments, those afforded the best internet and hardware will have the advantage, and you will have to open many more servers as Aion has taught, the closer to the server the more dps the system registers. Oh and grouping rocks, mercs don't.
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