[Lore] Labeled EQN map

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Magvadis, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Magvadis Well-Known Member

    This is for those who'd like to know what all the different areas on the newest map will likely be.
    I labeled the map with the regions I'm more than positive will be in those locations. They match up very closely to the Antonica map from EQ1. Edit: Noticed Permafrost should be called Everfrost. Permafrost will probably be a layer underneath the surface...likely T5.

    One major region on the former map isn't on this map which is the Dead hills area that would be near Feerrott. I imagine it will likely be created as we play from some rally call event. What events will lead to the destruction of the southern jungle and rise to a land of waste and death? One word....Bertoxxulous.
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  2. Swamp Tao Well-Known Member

    That's about what expect for the layout of the map, so long as they stick with that one.

    I think Sagara may be in the mountains to the west/northwest of the Oasis, along the coast. Too bad we don't know where along the coast of the cities of Ojin, Ortallius, and Rathmana sprang up.
  3. Taysa Well-Known Member

    It'll be interesting to see how right (or wrong) you are. The mention of Innothule Swamp gets me giddy, because I'm patiently awaiting to see what unsavory gods make it into EQN.
  4. Magvadis Well-Known Member

    I think this map will be their guideline when creating it in game. Then when they finish the in game world they will likely pencil another one with more detail to the coastlines and add all the islands, smaller towns, gorges, etc that they create.

    My biggest fear right now is that the continent will feel rather small. If every area is even double the size of the EQ counterpart it's still going to be too small to make the roaming AI feature worth anything.

    Those games used facades and mental tricks to make places seem bigger than they actually were, sprawling when they actually were rather small and compact so players didn't have to run for ages. A road would spiral around a mountain and it'd seem like the settlements were far apart but in reality they were a stones throw over a hill that covered the view.

    They can't do that in EQN anymore so I'm not sure they understand the scope and size of world it'd require to sustain interest on the surface.
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  5. Magvadis Well-Known Member

    Yeah I imagine Innoruuk, Zek, Thule, and Bert will all make it in the game and probably be large influences in the game as we play it.

    Innoruuk may not have made the Dark Elves into their visual persona but I think he sees a potential in their new rejected form and will turn them into the classic and evil Dark Elves we know from EQ. Although instead of directly I think it will be an elongated strategy...much like chess.

    Chess being basically the symbolic way I think the gods are going to interact with the world this time around. They won't have direct power in most cases but instead find ways to manipulate the people of Norrath into doing their bidding as they play the pieces in this game.
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  6. Malokar Well-Known Member

    Bastion was likely on the Eastern coast.
    At the time, the Sundered Strait was a small creek, easily traversed by Keramore's forces.
    (Source: Escape of the Combine ?)

    From the EverQuest Next Wiki article:

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  7. Giren Member

    1. I thought Amaril was just another name for Antonica? Or is it just the way you labeled it that makes it look like the right half is Amaril while the second half is Antonica?

    2. While the lore in a minute videos were... janky? sketchy?... more entertainment and less about actual lore, they are more or less "accurate".

    So they've already cast Bertoxxulous down? Unless that's more of a banishment, than a defeat.

    3. Is the map they've given us representative of the map we'll see when we enter EQN? Or was it representative of a time during the dragon wars? With a couple centuries between them, and the epicenter of the sundering still being so alive and "frothy", I could definitely see a great change in the expanses, especially with the divide between the two halves.

    4. Anyone else notice the ogres of "Daiku" in the last book? Very reminiscent of Diaku I would say. (unless it was supposed to be Diaku and just a spelling error that was overlooked)
  8. Giren Member

    You beat me to it! XD
  9. Malokar Well-Known Member


    To avoid confusion, I call the main continent Antomaril.

    2. So they've already cast Bertoxxulous down? Unless that's more of a banishment, than a defeat.
    Dead, defeated, banished. He was beaten during the War of the Plagues. What state he is in, if any, is part of the server lore that we will discover when the game goes live.

    3. Is the map they've given us representative of the map we'll see when we enter EQN? Or was it representative of a time during the dragon wars? With a couple centuries between them, and the epicenter of the sundering still being so alive and "frothy", I could definitely see a great change in the expanses, especially with the divide between the two halves.

    This map is representative of the world we will be entering into when EQN goes live. There are various maps that the Devs have for other time periods.

    4. Anyone else notice the ogres of "Daiku" in the last book? Very reminiscent of Diaku I would say. (unless it was supposed to be Diaku and just a spelling error that was overlooked)

    This is the religion of the "Warfield" talked about in The Razor's Edge

  10. Taysa Well-Known Member

    Aww crap, now we're getting into spoiler territory. -sigh as she waits for the last book to be released before she reads/rereads them-
  11. Giren Member

    Did you really have to answer the first part in a giant picture? :p

    The Warfield seems very reminiscent of the Plane of War from EQ1 lore, which still falls in line with Diaku / Daiku.
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  12. Malokar Well-Known Member

    You're probably right.
    I'm not sure if they're going to correct the spelling, or just leave the Carpenters...er Daiku warriors as is.

    Google ran with the misspelling of googol, and it worked out for them.
    EQ2 wiki Search "Diaku"
  13. Malokar Well-Known Member

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  14. dangeraaron10 Active Member

    Bert and Tunare bit the dust prior to game launch. Whether they stay dead or come back we don't know, Erollise(?) is Tunare's replacement, I thought, amongst the 8.
  15. LlyranKeen Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't Runnyeye be in The Serpentspine somewhere between maybe Kithicore and Karana?

    Also, I really hope there is more to the Rathe Mountains and Lake Rathetear this time around. I spent hours there in original EQ and always felt it was underused.

    If people can whine about Tunare and try to bring her back, I can go looking for a way to bring Bert back.

    He's like Norrath's Joker, Gotham isn't the same without him no matter how crazy and dangerous he is.
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  16. Malokar Well-Known Member

    Watch starting at 55:55

    Moorgard explains that wood and stone are plentiful, but metal is not plentiful.
    The Combine will need to trade with locals.
    One of the places that you'll see, off to the Mountains, is Runnyeye.
  17. LlyranKeen Well-Known Member

  18. Giren Member

    That could just as easily put Runnyeye to the east of jaggedpine, in the mountains near where the river originates.

    To be honest, we don't have a good sense of how large these areas will actually be though, and even the map is only a rough guesstimate as it stands now.

    Heck, I'd even put Halas in where you labeled the Northlands, right by that lake.

    So we'll see. :)
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  19. Magvadis Well-Known Member

    The biggest issue here is Bastion.

    What Moorgard said:
    Bastion is on Amaril. This may be for many reasons; gameplay distribution so the southeast portion has purpose, maybe he wants Bastion to play a part in that area, etc.

    Actual Lore:
    Puts it at I21. Multiple times we are told that Coralen has a view of the Serpentspine. It has access to the sea, and they were surprised by the dragon attack because of a mountain tunnel in the SS that they used to hide their approach.

    So, there is no actual point to the Serpentspine tunnel plot if Bastion is on Amaril. Having the dragons that can't fly go through/around the entirety of Feerrott would take days if not weeks making the "surprise attack" that created the entire plot of the Fall of Bastion more like a 10 day warning for them to hightail it to Kunark essentially voiding the whole plot.

    You could put them not under the Serpentspine and instead in one of the south east chains but it can't be the one next to Ro since Bastion would still need to be right near the chain and there isn't ocean access so that's out. Then the other small one has more merit and could work but you have the issue that there is NO way they don't have scouts around that small mountain range to see an army of 10k-100K funneling into a tunnel that they for some reason don't know about. It just doesn't work with the plot again. I can understand forgetting a tunnel underneath the Serpentspine but under that tiny mountain range? mmmm not so much. Then also how did no people ever see any dragons coming? Again...not adding up even if he did want to move Bastion into one of the other ranges.

    But whatever the motive for switching Bastion to the opposite side of the continent he needs to basically redo the map or the book to make it work and neither of those is easy to just patch up because now they'll conflict with other books more than likely...overall I think just taking back his word is a better option for him and I think he will see that unless his plans for the Southeast corner are bigger than we know.
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  20. Moorgard Developer

    Places you have correct, or mostly correct:
    • Oceangreen (drop Hills)
    • Plains of Karana
    • Rathetyr (instead of Rathe Mountains)
    • The Feerrott
    • Gukta (instead of Innothule Swamp)
    • Kithicor (drop Forest)
    • Desert of Ro
    • Jaggedpine (drop Forest)
    • Lavastorm (drop Mountains)
    • Nektulos (drop Forest)
    • The Commonlands
    • The Ashfang
    • The Serpent's Spine (note spelling)
    • Takish'Hiz - The portal to Akashidak is at the center of the magic storm, with the ruined city adjacent.
    • Freeport is on that northeast nub of the Commonlands.
    • Grobb - This is the Dead Hills. It was called Erollia before Bastion fell.
    • The Northlands - This is Everfrost. Halas is here.
    • Permafrost/Halas/Frigid Plain - This is Rimestone.
    • Runnyeye is in the Serpent's Spine east of Oceangreen.
    • The oasis in the Desert of Ro is called Erollisi's Rest.
    • Neriak was slightly more central than you have it.
    • Bastion is along the southern coast of Dead Hills.
    Things to keep in mind:
    • The map is not perfectly to scale. It's a "flavor" map, like the one that came in the EQ box. For example, the places where mountains are drawn are not the only places that will have mountains. Inland bodies of water and other points of interest may not be to scale. That sort of thing.
    • Don't try to use Landmark distances to measure distances in the world of EQN. As I've said before, the Norrath you will see in game is only a representation of the Norrath that exists in the fiction of the world. Regardless of how long it takes you to run your character across these regions, it would take much, much longer for a character in the fiction to do the same thing.
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