[Update April 21] The New SOE All Access Plan & FAQ

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. Rattenmann New Member

    Pretty sure you are in the wrong topic.
    Also there is no Alpha for EQN yet. Only for Landmark. And you can still get in.
  2. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    The DCUO question is answered above -- "Your DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2 accounts will remain with ProSiebenSat.1 Games and will not be transferred over. You will not be able to start new characters in DCUO or PS2 on your SOE All Access account for these games."

    Landmark is entirely with SOE, so there is no grandfathering necessary.

    As stated above, we currently have no information to share beyond what is currently available in the FAQ. When updates or additional information is available, the FAQ will be updated.
  3. Rattenmann New Member

    Costumer support just replyed to me that EVERYONE, including EU Members, can get the SOE All Access pass, WITHOUT ANY LIMITATIONS.

    So,... make up your mind SOE?
    This is one, if not THE biggest issue EU Players have. We want to avoid Pro7Sat1 like the plague.

    So what you are saying is: We can get the all access pass, but will get a "lesser" pass? Like we get a flat on all BUT PS2, EQ2 and the future EQN? Should tell your costumer support this, they don't seem to know.
  4. Sinister New Member

    How did that answer any of my questions? My SOE account right now lets me play PS2. It won't let me play DCU. My SOE account never transfered over to PSS1. Since my account never moved to PSS1 how can it remain with them.
    I did not ask about Landmark but EQNext the MMORPG.

    You see i really want to give you 15$ (or my regional equivilant) per months. But only if i get access to all your games with my SOE account. No access to EQNext or DCU = no money from me.
  5. Pockyninja Active Member

    It would seem the last time you answered my question went completely ignored which is not very good community relations. You couldn't even be bothered to give me a bs answer like you did for the rest. The only reason I can imagine you all are so secretive about how real world money will effect this game is because you don't plan to make a "FTP" game at all but in fact a money hole that is in the shape of a game. After doing a bit of research on some of the games you currently offer I found that membership alone, or even membership + expansions dose not allow you to play the full game. So my question is of greater importance now then it was prior. Is this going to be a free to play game where you can play the game for free? A pay to win game where you chuck money at the game until you win? A subscription game with a long demo? Or a giant hole where you throw money at so long as you wish to gain anything at all?

    Can I get some bearing on how much of a investment I would need to make to have a chance to fully play these games?
  6. Rattenmann New Member

    New info coming from support ticket:

    • Every EU player can get the SOE all access pass. Everyone.
    • BUT: Only games that are registered to SOE by april 2014 can be played with that pass!
    • All games that are not registered by april 2014 will be playable via Pro7Sat1-group ONLY.
    • Since EQNext can not be registered yet, no EU player will be able to play EQN via all access.
    • Yes that means EU player are going to be charged the same sum, but getting less in return.

    Why do EU players constantly getting handled like second class? After all we almost always pay like 40% more then US people do (Euro -> Dollar conversion 1:1... which is not even close to what it should be[1:1,38]).
  7. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    We've clarified questions about EU players internally. At this point, while Landmark is definitely included in the new All-Access plan, no decisions have yet been made regarding memberships in EverQuest Next, as that game is still a ways off in the future. We will keep you posted as soon as new information becomes available.
  8. Rattenmann New Member

    Almost good to hear that.
    Can you give us a rough time window for your that info tho?
    EQN is obviously the biggest "selling point" for all access. And i am certain i am not the only one that would simply get the all access now, play some nostalgica EQ in the meantime and maybe collect some station cash for EQN release.
    I know, 7 people is not a lot for you as a company, but i can at least talk for those few: We will get all access if EQN is included and we will get it as soon as it is confirmed. Out cash will go elsewhere meanwhile or if it is not included. Some even plan on getting up to 6 accounts set up, since multiboxing in EQ1 is so much fun (i personally will get up to 4 max tho).

    Again, i am sure even if all of us 7 would get 6 accounts it would not change anything for you, so i am not wanting to play "that card" here. Just to give you a hint on how desperate we are and how badly we want that pass and stay with SOE.

    Personally i just feel bad if i have to create an account for Pro7Sat1. And i am really not sure if i will. Even for EQN and even if it turns out great and all. Pro7Sat1 is just so bad that i refuse to be a player in their statistics let alone give them money.

    PRETTY PLEASE, rething your EU thing with that company,... pretty please :-/
  9. Aluphoss New Member

    Sadly I completely agree with this.

    I made some assumptions and this thread makes those seem erroneous.

    What I thought...
    My SOE account(I'm an eu player using SOE) works and I was going to be able to pay one average sub price for access to all the bonuses the FTP games give for their subs INCLUDING EQN. This was going to be awesome and every single other MMO wouldn't get a look in for me because I have so much to do with SOE and everything was linked. If I bought station cash then all the games would have access to it. It was going to be glorious. I would have become SOE only and all other games including things that I was excited about (Wildstar ESO and others) become completely uninteresting to me. SOE all the way, Landmark, PS2, EQ1 and 2(nostalgia), Dragon Prophet, DCU and EQnext why on earth would I even consider paying money to anyone else when all that was going to be on offer. I WAS excited, my wife Was excited, my kids WERE excited, but...

    What it seems/might be...
    You need a different account, if EU, to play Next and it might require a separate sub to get the monthly SC or whatever other bonuses subs get . My station cash won't be connected because those separate accounts won't be linked in any way one might use 7cash or whatever that balls was called. If Next requires a separate sub then you have no chance. It goes from perm sub to sub until I fancy playing something else and that something else will either be FTP or a different Sub. If I have to pay a separate sub for Next I will defiantly cancel to play Wildstar, possible ESO and the rest lol.

    I may be feeling despondent for unjustified reasons but until you are able to give clear answers to the future of my account with SOE I'm going to struggle to be as excited as I was.

    If you're wondering why I'm so against pro7... You're "working something out with them" is enough to make me not want to touch them with a barge pole. It should be "We've decided to do X pro7 get to work"

    If the end decision is that EU custs will not get to keep their accounts and play all new games with it then I'm sad to say you're looking at an FTP player only, and it will probably only be landmark, at least until someone produces a voxel based building game with the same/similar level of detail. There will be no loyalty. I have no delusions about my ability to change your minds I'm simply stating what I will be doing... And I don't think I'm alone.
  10. Rattenmann New Member

    Some good points there Aluphoss.
    I have similar feelings. On the one hand i really like SOE, even more since Smedly started to change how SOE works. I wholeheartly think SOE is the best publisher out there now, by a longshot.
    On the other hand it just feels "wrong" to invest into an account that i won't be able to use later on anyways.

    Sure, i could just play EQ now and nothing would change for me (now). But it feels wrong. Hard to explain. I am really getting attached to my account and SOE, since i have been here since 1999.

    I almost feel cheated if i am forced to "leave". No good feeling, that's for sure.
    • Up x 1
  11. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    UPDATE: To allow our technical teams more time to test the program and processes, the date for implementation of the new SOE All Access has been moved from April 2nd to April 16th, 2014. The FAQ has been updated accordingly!
  12. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

  13. LandWrightToo New Member

    Hate to be that guy but ...500 SC and items to buy are mostly 750 SC and above, mmmm.
    Perhaps more holiday discount promotions on top of these changes or let us accrue the station cash points to build up the amount needed to buy things we want from the market.
  14. Endormoon New Member

    I am all about this, I love planetside 2 concept and DCUO's combat. So if EQN has the dynamic world it says it's going to and a good tight combat system (i.e. Darksiders 2 and kingdoms of amalur ;D), Sony will be taking my allotted game money for years to come. Bring it home guys you've got me so far.
  15. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    You can do this already! The 500SC you get each month doesn't expire at the end of the month; it is added to your wallet. The only difference now is that you don't automatically accrue the SC; you have to log in each month to claim it. From the FAQ:

    Q: How do I get my 500 SC monthly membership grant?

    A: You will need to log into any eligible SOE game to claim your monthly grant from the SC top-up section of the in-game Marketplace. Once you claim it, the SC will be added to your wallet balance.

    Q: Can I save up the Station Cash or do I have to spend it each month?

    A: You are free to spend your Station Cash immediately or you can save it up over time for major purchases!
  16. LandWrightToo New Member

    Thank you Dexella for confirming that the SC accumulates! All my worries are gone...
    P.S. yes am currently an All Access Member.
  17. Sinister New Member

    Shame that new FAQ still does not answer all my questions.
    1. I get that EQN is still too far out to make a definitive statement about it. So i will wait and see what happens there if EU players without a PSS1 account (players that stuck with SOE for years) if they will be able to play EQN with their SOE account.
    2. But about DCUO. I do not have a PSS1 account. Will i be able to use my current SOE account to play DCUO again? As far as i know this is not possible at the current time.
  18. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    This is answered in the current FAQ:

    Q: I am an EU EverQuest II player grandfathered in under SOE. I started playing DC Universe Online (PC) or PlanetSide 2 (PC) with ProSiebenSat.1 Games. Now that I am grandfathered in under SOE All Access for EQII, can I transfer my DCUO or PS2 accounts over?

    A: Your DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2 accounts will remain with ProSiebenSat.1 Games and will not be transferred over. You will not be able to start new characters in DCUO or PS2 on your SOE All Access account for these games.
  19. Sinister New Member

    Still does not answer my question since i never started playing DCUO with PSS1.
    But ok i give up. I know i am just a european and you don't want my business anymore.
  20. Rattenmann New Member

    Sad but true.
    EU players getting the ignore card yet again.

    Latest reply from Support has been a mess. They ignored my questions almost completly. All i got out of that was that this account can get all access, but they don't know if it will include EQN for me later on. So... they told me nothing new. I am allowed to pay the same money and get less games in return. I already knew that. EU player always pay more for less,...

    See, i don't mind if figuring things out takes a while longer for EU, but DO IT. Getting quotes on FAQ that don't answer questions, or simply stating "we have no answers" is really getting old fast.

    There has been plenty of time to GET those answers by now. How about you start now... yes now. Go... go get those answers.
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