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    A summary of my thoughts on Death Penalties & Suggestions to make them palatable:

    "Death should be a memorable and educational experience, not grueling torture or punishment."
    • In the Dragon Age series, characters tend to receive a “crippling” debuff that impedes their movement, offensive, or defensive abilities, which could be mirrored in EverQuest Next. As a matter of fact, you could even toss in visualization such as the character hobbling if they have a movement debuff; clutching a wounded arm to their chest and unable to dual-wield or use a two-hander; etc.
    • Defeat could result in armor or weapon resilience damage, thus players swiftly learn the values of tactical retreats in order to protect their purse. It is less “shaming” than losing experience points and you can even tie armor visuals into it. For instance, if you die a lot then your armor may appear weathered and beaten because a.) You’re not addressing armor repairs until the item is broken. Or b.) You ran out of gold on previous repairs.
    • Institute a “Downed” status, similar to Guild Wars 2 or D&D, where the player is still capable of some form of resistance against their attacker; at least, until the attacker decides to put them out of their misery or a set time limit expires and they “pass out” or “die”.
    • Some combination of I, II, and III.