Which skin tone do you find most appealing for the dark elves? (Images in Blog)

Discussion in 'TW: Dark Elves' started by Dexella, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Dexella Communications Manager

    Blog by Rosie Rappaport, Senior Art Director

    This week we would like to get your ideas about the skin tones of dark elves.

    Way back when we were first creating the EverQuest player characters, we wanted the dark elves to be totally black and shiny, like obsidian. But with the tech at the time, there was no way to add true highlights to surfaces so if we made the skin totally black, it would have been really hard to see the features. If we painted in highlights, the overall color would have looked more grey. Our compromise was to make them blue - because it’s a cold and recessive color, similar to pure black, but not grey and light enough to show features. Thus- the blue dark elf was born! Fast forward 18 years, and there have been many interpretations of what skin tone dark elves should have from blues to purples and even to white. Don’t worry though, we are of course going to be creating options in EQNext, but we want to know where to concentrate the range.

    A- Do you like a very light, almost albino dark elf? They look very elegant and it could be argued that underground dwellers would have very light skin.


    B- Medium is about what we have currently colored the concept for dark elves that we’ve already showed you.


    C- Saturated skin is closer to the saturated blues of original EverQuest.


    D- Very dark is the color we originally thought would be cool, and couldn’t do- but now we think we can!


    Let us know which you find most appealing, and give us your thoughts and feedback in the forums!
  2. Iadien Founder

    TarnaX likes this.
  3. Skylatron Trailblazer

    I went with saturated, but they're all beautiful. I'd hope that we will have a range of skin tones on all races.
  4. SleekHare Trailblazer

    E: All of the above.
    Titipoko, Rinda, SilverOak and 3 others like this.
  5. Ysovuka Trailblazer

    E. All of the above.

    Why do Dark Elves have to conspire to a particular skin tone, why can they not be of all tones. They are Dark Elves just as Humans are Humans. Humans comes in all shapes forms and kinds, it just depends on the environment in which they live. So why can't every race have a contour of all the different shades of colors; after all customization is key when creating a dynamic character.
    Rinda, Arnison, ceijay and 1 other person like this.
  6. Edonil Tarath'Oloth Trailblazer

    Dex, I love all of them. Take a look at the Neverwinter Nights MMO. They give players a palette to adjust the skin tone to what they prefer. When it comes to characters, I think the more options the better. I would rather spend an hour making my character look the way I want him/her to look, than only one or two choices.

    My vote: E: All of the above.
    Rinda and Pumarah like this.
  7. Stitchersflock New Member

    What happened to sliders and personalization of characters for Everquest games? Dark elves come in many shades and sizes. lose the over sexualized stereotype and start over!
    Rinda, Mermut and Brydee like this.
  8. Reinsmith New Member

    This, my imaginary vote goes for option E.
    ceijay likes this.
  9. Daynos Trailblazer

    No sun underground. All creatures living in the dark are very light. Dark Elves must be very light too...
    Senkai likes this.
  10. TR3LON1ST Trailblazer

    ceijay and luvd like this.
  11. Simdor Trailblazer

    I would like to see C and D options for sure.
    A and B are great but just not very DE for me.
    I know some want all of these as options but I think sticking to one or two at most is going to be better. There are lots of variations available within just one of these options.
  12. Maelitta Trailblazer

    I vote for D) Very dark as I'm always trying to get any Dark Elf I make as deep purple/black/etc. as I can. C) Saturated is my second choice.

    If the Dark Elves time on Umbra was subject to the rule of reality they might become colorless - but they'd also become blind if they were there long enough to become pale. In the rules of fantasy, you could say that they became darker due to camouflage reasons - especially if they retain the Dark Elf ultravision they've had in previous games. Another thing I'd like to point out is that the red of their eyes and the white of their hair - especially their eyebrows - stands out very strongly on dark skin and gives them a more severe look than they have with light skin.
  13. Hudass Founder

    Saturated yet pale in color vote. Here is an example pic which also matches the color pallet chosen for the buildings. He has that accent of red in his eyes. [IMG]
    Graysilk and Ilathi like this.
  14. Xell458 Founder

    i like Saturated looks very nice on the pic
    i would like it more to have a palette with more variation in dark tones in game
  15. Cirolle Founder

    I really really loved the dark elves in EQ.
    Even if I never played one (Thanks Neriak on first day I logged in)

    But I feel the blue color represent the EQ Dark Elves, they are the dark elves of that universe.

    That being said, the "black" dark elves could be very cool also.
  16. Ilathi Trailblazer

    definatly should be a ... E - All of the above .. option :D
    Marielle and jokerstar like this.
  17. Cragfire Trailblazer

    As I mentioned in the other thread - give the player a slider for Saturated to Dark.
    Aleenik, DanteYoda, Taelaa and 3 others like this.
  18. jokerstar Founder

    I said medium, but I meant all. at character creation i want a range of shades. personally I would prefer darker(kinda like a shiney obsidianish color) I think it will worker better with a range from medium to dark. I will say after lookin at the light i really like it.... just not for dark elves.
    luvd likes this.
  19. Seidian Trailblazer

    I would have chosen E all the above given that depending on their role are they hunter " outside alot, crafter might be exposed to elements that effect skin color or even royalty may not have ever left the confines of the underground city or royal chambers, .. withe said light skinned won as elusive and in shadows not much time for a tan. Lol
    Lukasha and ceijay like this.
  20. Azotate Trailblazer

    A. Light

    I think people will get confused by the difference between tone and hue. I think a variety of hues should be available for all races of Next. Customization is a key point of the game and should work in character creation as well.

    As far as overall tone. I chose Very Light as it seems to fit in better with the new lore and their preference for underground dwellings. I would like to see the very light skin tones mixed with a touch of opalescence to really make them stand out. I also think Light skin tones would go better with the hard, dark racial armor.

    The Medium is just okay, The dark is too dark and hides the details of both the person and armor. Super Saturated would be good, but only if the world itself is done in that type of style.