Additional lumen re-grants

Discussion in 'Update Notes and Developer Discussion' started by Domino, Mar 28, 2016.

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  1. Domino Developer

    Good morning!

    Just an FYI, some people may notice they receive an additional grant of some extra lumens next time they log into Landmark. This will mainly affect people who previously purchased marketplace bundles of some harvestable materials. The additional grants are currently in progress and should be completed by the end of today at the latest.

    • When we granted lumen refunds for marketplace items, we granted them based on the amount of Daybreak Cash spent.
    • However, with this update we also adjusted the value of some of the resource bundles now on the lumen station. This resulted in some resource bundles costing more than before the update, which means the previous calculation based simply on the Daybreak Cash is not enough to repurchase the same number of resources.
    • This additional grant should compensate for the difference in lumens between what they used to cost in Daybreak Cash (which was already refunded) and how many lumens they now cost to acquire.
    Happy building!
    Leotus, Helie, Sadorj and 9 others like this.
  2. Idrona Trailblazer

    That's good news. :)

    Please also double check the refunding of previously purchased "voxel storage" and inventory expanders.
    Saavedra likes this.
  3. Yarnila Trailblazer

    Thanks Domino, i was surprised to get 6100 Lumen refunded when i logged in 5 minutes ago ;) I thought i was lucky and found a Lumin bug
  4. Zoxillion Trailblazer

    Nice!! Thanks Domino!
  5. Fredelas Well-Known Member

    The only discontinued Marketplace items I ever purchased were 6-slot inventory expanders.

    I previously purchased 9x 6-slot = 54 slots of inventory expansion for 9x 124 Daybreak Cash = 1116 Daybreak Cash.

    To repurchase those 54 inventory slots, I'd need to purchase 2.7x 20-slot inventory expansion for 2.7 x 520 Lumens = 1404 Lumens.

    To the best of my recollection, I received approximately 1950 Lumens upon first login with my new character, which I feel was adequately generous.

    I don't have any experience purchasing the other storage expansions you mentioned.
    jgrotter and Mejulie like this.
  6. Mejulie Trailblazer

    Oh, you! :):p You are messing with my keeping track of my start for the day Lumen count and end of the day Lumen count.

    Thank you!
  7. Fredelas Well-Known Member

    I very slightly miscalculated.

    It seems I also purchased 2x 3-slots of inventory expansion for 2x 49 Daybreak Cash = 98 Daybreak Dash.

    I'd need to purchase 3x 20-slot inventory expansion for 3x 520 Lumens = 1560 Lumens total.

    I still feel the approximately 1950 Lumens I was granted was adequately generous. I just didn't want to screw up the comparisons for anyone else who might be doing the math on their own purchases.
    Idrona likes this.
  8. GoddessV Trailblazer

    Yay!!! ....and stuff!!! :) :p :D
  9. Sinamyn_Bunz Trailblazer

    Thank you! It was definitely a nice surprise! :D
    GoddessV likes this.
  10. Artist Trailblazer

    Thank you !
  11. Zeoni Trailblazer

  12. Falleen Trailblazer

    Thank you :)
  13. D'hara Trailblazer

    Nice surprise! Thanks :D
  14. Teum Trailblazer

    Cool, I randomly lost 400.
  15. TruthFairy Trailblazer

    I'm still angry about this because we've been promised for 2 years that store-bought items would never be lost and based on that promise, I spent freely. Probably the best example I can give is for light orbs, where the recipe costs 1K for each color. What I received in lumens isn't even close to what it will cost to replace my lost items. I have enough to purchase a few recipes at best!
    Katarella and MasterMagnus like this.
  16. TruthFairy Trailblazer

    Adding this to note to say that I purchased numerous resource bundles in the Marketplace over 2 years - I lose patience with mining, okay? :) - and did not receive any additional lumen grant the day this was posted.
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