Producer's Letter: June 2015

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Fairan, Jun 5, 2015.

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  1. Dragonsire Founder

    Shouldn't come as a surprise, this letter was the response. It's PR double speak, and tells us all exactly where we stand. Landmarks been all but shelved. No more blueprint. (Might want to remove this banner from the homepage)

    Terry is on vacation for a week I believe, and even if he wasn't the feedback in this tread isn't a surprise. It just doesn't impact anything on their end. If a decent news site were to do a proper right up...then maybe you'd see something...but most news sites don't ask hard's all pre-approved ones. Don't expect anything said on this forum to change anything.
    Kiklix and RedAngel like this.
  2. Cattrina Founder

  3. Lili_Birchflower Trailblazer

    Domino (with an occasional visit from Deletionist or maybe AugerDev) is the only dev or official person who actually communicates anything resembling important, interesting or reasonable anymore. Dexella, whose title is "Community Relations", pretty much only does the "Official News" posts now with an exceedingly rare pop-in to do .... oh, I dunno, community relations. Her last foray into the forums was not received well as her manner could be called - abrupt and rude (not everyone thought so, but many did). In the interest of fairness, she may be very busy with tasks elsewhere - hard media (does anyone still use magazines and newspapers?), interviews, and stuff. (Still........)

    Otherwise, pretty much what Dragonsire said. What we say has little-to-no impact on their end. Even if we all stopped spending a dime in the cash shop, there'd be plenty more unsuspecting (or uncaring) people buying up founder's packs and in-game stuff.
    Kiklix, Aldente, Thrasymachus and 3 others like this.
  4. FrigoPorco Trailblazer

    Well said......could not have said it better myself.
    Kiklix and Falleen like this.
  5. Fantomex Trailblazer

    For everyone talking about a refund on this thread. I am pretty sure you got everything promised when purchased except for head start open beta access, which will theoretically come eventually. See the link.

    Skyles and Dygz like this.
  6. Dragonsire Founder

    think you missed the point, it's not about a is about them finishing what they started. Everyone took the chance we would get screwed. But I don't think anyone expected it.
    Kiklix and FrigoPorco like this.
  7. Vanderbilt Trailblazer

    Not from a company like SOE from which we ought to have expected AAA quality.

    With EQ and EQII in their portfolio, games that might be considered modestly successful and liked (right?), we get this half-baked, not possible to be "finished," collection of ideas?

    Nothing we've seen is new, except, maybe, the voxel manipulation. (And that might have come from players tweaking the little we got, not the developers designing a manipulable voxel grid. It was a lucky find? Cepero, developer of Voxel Farm, doesn't manipulate in-game. He uses Architects writing scripts to show off the possibilities of in-game structures.) The building is certainly not new, but perhaps the possibility of better looking constructions after players took what could be done with voxels and these "tools" to a new level.

    We can't even sit on the chair props yet. And I don't think we'll ever be able to click-to-sit on these kinds of props. They scale, supposedly so they can be more useful when repurposed (yeah, right), and I think that prevents the models derrieres from being attached to sit points on these props. Landmark can't even be used as a lame stage set for machinima makers because of this. (Anyone heard from a single machinima maker lately?)

    There's a handful of folks, happily ignoring all this, working the Workshops still, and, ultimately, that's all Landmark was really about. A tool set SoE/DGC could hand out to the rest of the world (folks even paid for it!) to crowdsource content for EQN.

    For DGC, Landmark must be "feature complete," since the only reason for it's existence is happily producing the desired results. (That it even makes it's own money on the side from the sale of Fouder's Packs? Pure marketing genius! For the folks buying in, well, Hannum said there's one born every minute.)

    So why the surprise when they publicly wash their hands of it and declare "Mission Complete!"?
    Kiklix and RedAngel like this.
  8. Karrane Trailblazer

  9. Fantomex Trailblazer

    No, I didn't.
  10. FrigoPorco Trailblazer

    Awesomely intelligent and well said Phoenix. Am I the only one here that thinks that they should have given Dave a promotion.......instead of letting him go? Because I really liked and bought into his vision of the game, which seems to have changed. A lot of people have said this in videos, forums, magazines.......GET DAVE BACK! He's probably more expensive now, but a corporate move.....I would seriously think about it.....and there's my free consulting advice for the month. Phew.....that 'real life'........scary some times.
  11. Yarnila Trailblazer

    I totally agree with you there Frigo. GET DAVE ALL COSTS.

    No one here can deny that when Dave got laid of the way of Landmark got laid off too. You can now see HE was the guy driving Landmark forward.

    When he said this would happen and that will be coming it CAME.

    When SOE got sold i was really hoping someelse would of got Laid off and i think most of you know who. But this is it. I have seen that on a lot of Island a lot of claimable Land is starting to appear. The Revolution is on its here.

    Daybreak needs to do something...and i mean FAST. I love this game and maybe most do and it would be a shame to see it all go **** up from here.

    Why dont we make an online petition for getting in the Vote to bring Dave back. If we got say 10.000 Votes and send that to Nova maybe then they would listen ;)

    Anyway Dreams die last so lets all hope for the best.
    Kiklix and FrigoPorco like this.
  12. FrigoPorco Trailblazer

    Other 'voxel' games are coming. There is a window of time here......THAT WILL CLOSE......and carry consequences with it, such as a failed launch of EQN......unless something is done now. You cannot ask a player base to pay for a game, then ask them to build the next 'money maker' for you, and not give them what they want in the game they paid for. This makes no sense.

    EVERYONE does understand that the fate of EQN is directly correlated to the fate of LANDMARK right? They have a symbiotic relationship that needs to be nurtured on both ends.
    Kiklix likes this.
  13. Yarnila Trailblazer

    Now for a limited time only......Help Daybreak not Break and buy Landmark so they make lots of Money.....Buy a copy now or maybe 10 give them to your relatives for Christmas.....Hey what did you get for Christmas ? I got a copy of Landmark...Oh really so did i...oh and heres my present for you.....Let me look (opens wrapper) Oh another copy of Landmark, now i have two. Ok Joke is getting out of hand.

    Yeah so Daybreak Team. Come Monday get down here to the Forums and get your hands dirty....Because its only for a limited time only. Once the damage is done its done...
    Kiklix likes this.
  14. Yamiino Trailblazer

    So it´s been about a month since I logged on the forums to check the progress the game has been having. And just found this, most of the people I know are MIA in Landmark playing games like Ark, D&D, Rift and what not, kind of sad because at the beginning everyone was so hyped about this game as well as EQN and now all that hype is gone because there are no real feature updates, it´s always related to props / materials lately as far as I have been able to notice in Landmark.

    I agree, something needs to be done. Before there were a lot of streamers covering Landmark, now it´s rare to actually find one :confused:


    Now, that was as for Landmark.

    Landmark became a game because the devs thought it was something great to have (while developing the tools), I have been around for quite a while now, probably since the 1st week of alpha, and can recall that they mentioned that Landmark was going to help building EQN, pretty much as a "sandbox" environment where we were going to have a sip of EQN development.

    I am happy if EQN is being developed by the whole team, as that's the game I actually want to play with my guild :) however, I'd still like to see news and maybe something related to Landmark and EQN appart from what we were able to see at SOE Live. There are still features I'm waiting for, such as:
    • SOEmote
    • Dynamic water
    • AI
    • DM Tools
    • NPCs
    • Economy
    • Quests
    • Better PVP
    And I haven't seen any of these in Landmark, which were supposed to be in-game by now (according to what was said on the blueprints), now some of these features disappeared from the map, which is not a good sign.
    We still have our hopes up for EQN and expect to hear from it soon, I'm game for the Alpha (if there's any) :D
  15. SpaceViking Trailblazer

    yarnila, it's really nice that you try, but 10k votes when only 500 ppl play the game? :D
  16. FrigoPorco Trailblazer

    EQN will be a total FAIL if this game isn't treated properly. Trust me on this one.
    Kiklix likes this.
  17. Cosmopoly Trailblazer

    Not really... While Terry doesn't have the charisma to put out a Producer's letter like this and convince people to like it, but he didn't say anything that Dave hadn't already said way back in February.

    Here's the evidence (please forward to 26:16).

    As far as the comments about Landmark going to Open Beta - I suspect that got canned due to the layoffs.
    urbansheople and Zorkon like this.
  18. Yarnila Trailblazer

    Thanks for that. Daybreak still need to adress the players though because there isnt much going on at the moment. I just hope things turn out for the best
  19. urbansheople Trailblazer

    He was quite clear and it was consistent with previous statements. The news is the same as it was months earlier just more straight forward. It was nothing new and not unexpected.

    The open beta it was also said "it will be a very long time" they meant it and Dave said that last. People like to spin things though and this situation is no different.
  20. Yarnila Trailblazer

    Yeah alot of things get twisted. But the Fact remains that landmark and Next are linked. Its the Players in Landmark who will and do advertise Daybreak and if the player is unhappy its negative press. And negative press on a sidegame like Landmark will not help them with a major projekt even if its called Everquest. People are fed up with Daybreak making the same mistakes over and over again.

    Landmark is like a symbiote and Next is the Host they both coexsist, But one cannot live / survive without one another. Who will be doing the Word of Mouth or has been doing it ?

    The Players,People like Geo / Tenma / Katinna / Frigo (with his Newspaper) and some others. They advertise the game daily. But thats only a few. Players. Alot of players might like what they do and show and say, but they will still add up the numbers 5 -10 people activly promoting the game and giving it a fair shot and 1000s of people with negative reviews responses. they cant win like that and it would be a real shame.

    Simply put its gonna be the Landmark players who will activly promote Next cos will will be the first ones in. Even if it cost us 100s of dollars to get in. That we cant deny. We did it with Landmark.

    But the way things are going now its taking a turn for the worse.

    Sure they said they will shift all resources to Next. But People got the feeling also they were being pushed aside too by the PL from Juni.

    Daybreak needs to adress the community no matter what. Just not responding wont solve the issuse at hand. Its not like the Players are asking for alot.

    I really do hope Daybreak stays on track and Landmark and Next will not turn out to be a dream so close. I still want to believe that all will be good.
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