Mar 26, 2014
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    1. Gieorg
      I'm sure trolling me on my first post after starting to play this game is lots of fun for you, but i'd appreciate if you leave my threads alone unless you have something relevant or helpful to add. Thanks!
      1. Vanderbilt
        Seriously? "I didn't get a legendary to drop in the time I expected it to so I'm quitting." Paraphrasing of course. Why are you so hung up on drops that you'd consider quitting when they're not to your satisfaction? I was suggesting to you to enjoy the game regardless.
        Jun 13, 2014
    2. Flash
      Thanks for the input, I was basing my thoughts on the opening screen that had water falls etc.
    3. LuciferiaLandmark
      My apologies for misunderstanding your statement. I ended up using you as a proxy for others who bash those who spend a few bucks here and there on gaming habits. Enjoy and see you around!
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