Zyphax The Shredder bugged since today(15 Oct)

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-EomerFarstar, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-EomerFarstar Guest

    Guild zoned into FTH today and Zyphax was not emoting prior to dropping the vase. It also looks as though his AE is ignoring poison resists.
    Has anyone else noticed problems with the zone today ?
  2. ARCHIVED-Kendricke Guest

    Just ran him last night (about 18 hours ago) and had no issues with him at all.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lanalia Guest

    Kendricke wrote:
    Same... we killed him last night around 8:30 p.m. est with no problems at all.
  4. ARCHIVED-EomerFarstar Guest

    We zoned into today and from I heard other guilds on Runnyeye were experiencing the same problem.
    It looks as though his script is broken because he was not emoting "Oops, Did I drop that ?". Instead the AE was just being fired off and people were being ported.
    I'm not taking about 18 hours but today(15th Oct)
  5. ARCHIVED-Supernova17 Guest

    Killed him last night (15th), no problems.
  6. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    Also killed him the 15th. He did the emote every time.
  7. ARCHIVED-Gnobrin Guest

    Remember too, if you ever find anything "odd" ingame, to /feedback or /bug it so the development staff can review it and if it's not as designed, correct it.

  8. ARCHIVED-Menno Guest

    We killed him tonight, the 16th, he acted normally.
  9. ARCHIVED-Lint26 Guest

    Killed him on the 15th, he emoted every time (on Runnyeye too)
  10. ARCHIVED-m0ya Guest

    You sure you didn't had chat bubble turned off? and/or /say and NPC /say turned off or in another tab?