Zraxth's Unseen Arcanum - hardmode trigger

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Proxopid, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Laiina Guest

    CoLD MeTaL wrote:
    Then you have once again proven that Darwin was right - those that cannot adapt to change go into epic fail mode, like the dinosaurs.
  2. ARCHIVED-Ta'lon Guest

    Proxopid wrote:
    Except on these mobs what happens when the red message pops up? The name goes immune to damage until you disrupt the ritual or it goes HM. So the fact that you were still doing damage should clue you in to the fact that maybe it's not the same.
  3. ARCHIVED-quakeroatmeal4 Guest

    I hope everyone who posts ITT thinking it's too complicated to trigger HM is very embarrassed right now. You are basically asking for training wheels or bumpers in a bowling alley for triggering HM content. I think all of us can agree that we don't want the same cookie-cutter stuff over and over, so for you to walk into a fight trying to do exactly what you would do for other fights is sad. Kander, it's working perfectly.
  4. ARCHIVED-Nubekia Guest

    I'm not saying it's complicated at all, just not intuitive based on how we've had hardmodes/easymodes before, and the way this is set up means engaging the mob already locks you out of doing the hardmode version.
  5. ARCHIVED-quakeroatmeal4 Guest

    Nubek@Permafrost wrote:
    Lack of situational awareness is what differentiates easy-mode encounters with hardmode encounters. if you aren't willing to pay attention, then you're not going to get very far in hard-mode anyway. Intuitive. lol.
  6. ARCHIVED-Sunii Guest

    I am by no means a SOE fanboi, but they seem to be in a no-win situation here.
    They are constantly being bombarded by forum posts complaining that all the encounters are too similar, they never do anything different, all too cookie cutter, seen one - seen 'em all, etc, etc, nauseating etc.
    And yet on this encounter they've done something a little different. Changed it up a bit. Made it require some trial and error and a little thought. And they're being lambasted for it.
    I say, well done Devs!!
  7. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    Gahnand@Unrest wrote:
    Being able to read and comprehend English shouldn't be a handicap though.
  8. ARCHIVED-Chunkaliscious Guest

    Nubek@Permafrost wrote:
    You may have been conditioned but please dont lump everybody into the sheeple category. Kudos to the dev who designed this and shook people up. But now that the dirty rotten make me read trick is out of the bag, let the steamrolling and facerolling continue.
  9. ARCHIVED-StaticLex Guest

    I can only imagine the hell that breaks loose for these people when someone butters the other slice of bread in their ham sandwhich.
  10. ARCHIVED-Khrack Guest

    Considering you don't get the red message until you step down, it MAY be confusing to people. I zoned in with a group of people and we nuked the snot out of the mob from where we zoned in. Didn't get the red message until after the mob ran up to us. It was too late by then and since we saw the red message "after" we engaged it we thought we'd have to right click it or do something else also.
    After reading about "Omg don't touch it but walk over to it first THEN you'll see the red message" it makes more sense.
    IMO the devs should have the red message pop after you zone in. The mob is line of sight on zonein so what's to stop people from donkeypunching it with an arrow and then going "Aw man..."
    LOL. So many elite idiots in here. It "is" a simple easy script but... it is also stupid considering what I just said about being able to pull it from the zoneline where you wouldn't "get" the message first :)
    Me personally... I could care less if you change it. I at least understand it after learning how to do it from people posting.
  11. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    i didnt like that 2nd named as i tank for a group, that named had shut me down completely, my skills went all "black-outs" and kept shutting down as he "chain-cast" and there nothing i can do but to avoid knockbacks, there nothing i can do trying to taunting, attempt to cast some heals, or even rebuff the group.
    i hate it completely.
    i even got accused of not taunting or make the rescue enough, i cant explain to group that all my skills were all blocked, even some unlimited clicking charms or totems on hotbars were all blocked.
    i wont go back there if someone ask me to tank, forget it, no thanks, and i think it is poorly designed by the dev team, not everyone got elite PC, or extreme gears, or fastest internet. devs are not thinking of those factors that we are having.
  12. ARCHIVED-quakeroatmeal4 Guest

    if it's too hard for you to figure out, then easy mode is right up your ally.
  13. ARCHIVED-Laiina Guest

    Jaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    From what I see they are only being lambasted by one single person.
  14. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    Tyrus@Butcherblock wrote:
    c'mon Maaaaaan
  15. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    Gahnand@Unrest wrote:
    I dont normally correct spelling, but ally? Cmon man lol.
  16. ARCHIVED-Kaja Guest

    Tyrus@Butcherblock wrote:
    Clearly using things like Sanctuary are also hardware related too.
    And you are a paladin no? did you cancel amends?
    Was it stun ? Stifle? No Hostile ? No Benifical? Cureable? uncureable?
    What was your group make up?
    There are so many ways to beat content in this game it is unbeliveable, try thinking outside your narrow box for a change.
  17. ARCHIVED-quakeroatmeal4 Guest

    Crismorn wrote:
    I fixed this for you.
  18. ARCHIVED-Xaviour Guest

    really simple to start the hard mode. Do not engage the mob until he completes the ritual.