Zone Itemization

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-DeythCombine, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    Who on staff thought it might be fun to run through an instance and get no-trade drops for classes not present or small chests from end-zone bosses? So far I've had more than half my instance runs end unproductively. Poor design.
  2. ARCHIVED-Triste-Lune Guest

    yeah it suck but have to deal with it at least it god food if you dont have a transmuter with you :).
    i find it funny to kill a named and not get a chest. But chest are not guaranteed (GM tm) so you cant complain OOB has been mean to me lately 4 run and only final named droping a chest wich sucks.
  3. ARCHIVED-Roriondesexiest Guest

    Kinda set up like raid loot but on a raid you have a greater chance of having a particular class there that could use the loot, with 6 people it kinda sucks to clear the zone and get 1 legendary chest at the end that has 2 pieces of gear that no one in the group can use...
  4. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    Or doing a run through HoF only to have Septimus drop an adept 1 book. Like I said, it's a poor design.
  5. ARCHIVED-Dwergux Guest

    Even on a raid Murphy kicks in and most items drop for classes which are not in the raid :D
  6. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    EoF Legendary = better than raid dropped relic.

    So to be honest its better as that way people have to spend time equipping themselves not just go to the broker and buy it.
  7. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    It's not spending time, it's wasting. Wasting time is not a challenge. If they want to make it harder to get, that's fine, beef up the zones, but having people walk away empty-handed is stupid.
  8. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    No its only stupid if you want everything handed to you instantly or available to sell to others at extortionate rates.

    Making people actually go back alot to get full sets makes the sets more worthwhile AND gives people a chance to earn AA xp by revisiting zones to equip themselves. Sure its annoying not getting your classes items but when it finally does drop its more an achievement than seeing every 2nd person in a full suit or just grinding plat to buy the items.
  9. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    Again...I don't need it to be instant nor does it have to be sellable. If they want it to take a while, let it be a quest progression. Let it be so challenging that people will fail many times before winning. That would still be fulfilling. Having us run a full lap on a hamster wheel just to get no cheese is not at all interesting. There's nothing fun or difficult about repeating something over and over. There's no skill involved, no challenge. Would you like it more if you had to press a hotbar button 50 times before it went off? Would that be an achievement?
  10. ARCHIVED-Pinski Guest

    It's called a timesink. If there's a reason why people want to go and do the zone, then they will do the zone. You just have to come to terms with the fact that it's a timesink and you have to deal with it. It's how they keep people playing. Still want a piece of loot? Well keep playing until you get it.
  11. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    I know all about timesinks but there are different ways to implement them. WoW is one big timesink yet the PvE is more progressive and rewarding which is why it rocked EQ2 in subscriptions. I'm not a fan of WoW because I prefer PvP but that doesn't mean there's nothing to learn from it. MMOs must have timesinks in order to create a sense of investment but it can still be fun when done right. Make it hard and challenging but make it rewarding. Doing something repetitive and easy or having to do a tedious wait is not "gaming" and is never fun.
  12. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Lol why do instances then just PVP if thats your bag and get your tokens (w a 90% drop rate to get fabled sets) thats surpass most PVE loot.

    And like pinski said its a time sink the legendary sets are quite nice and should not be sold but earned especailly the harder to acquire pieces like legs and chest that only drop off named in MM castle.
  13. ARCHIVED-DeythCombine Guest

    There are different ways to "earn" which were outlined in my previous posts. Rather than use the boring Evercamp method they pioneered in EQ1 they've moved on to the new boring Everhamsterwheel for EQ2.
    I would love to do strictly PvP but the PvP implementation is terrible right now. Not only are there too many factors outside of skill that affect fight outcomes, there are also no real points of conflict that would drive us into each other. We basically have to roam around hoping to find something even remotely resembling a fair fight that won't be over in 5 seconds.