Zone immunity while carnage flagged

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Spag, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Spag Guest

    [p]This really needs to be looked into. [/p][p] An enemy in your city will get zone immunity while carnage flagged, but if you are carnage flagged in your own city you do not.[/p][p]I am not referring to zoning dishonorably, just simply zoning while flagged.[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-chrystolred Guest

    Dont worry, they changed it so you can't zone while engaged in combat. So you wont have to worry about that anymore haha. Its gona be fun for city pvp.
  3. ARCHIVED-PeaSy1 Guest

    Where is this change on no zoning when engaged? Cause it still the same fp runnin and zoning and since myu comp is a lil slow they lose player hate by the time i get there.
  4. ARCHIVED-Eluzay Guest

    its on the test server
  5. ARCHIVED-Spag Guest

    [p]-------------------------------[/p][p]As I said in my OP, it has nothing to do with zoning while already engaged, but zone immunity while no longer engaged.[/p][p]Once you are flagged in your own city you do not have zone immunity at all. The enemy in your city, while carnage flagged has the benefit of immunity when zoning, in his enemy's city.[/p][p]They either need to allow both sides to have immunity, or neither side to have immunity when carnage flagged.[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-Nerfed_bat Guest

    [p]Well i believe that you do have immunity if the engagement are over... like if you killed them and get carnaged... you should have immunity when zoning (unless you zone during combat, which will be solved in next LU32).[/p][p]However... there is one bs thing about exiled... for exiled they are attackable regardless if you have immunity or not... another word, you don't have to drop your immunity and you can still attack them... This is out side of City zones... I think it is bullsh1t... It is already difficult to fight as exile because you can potentially being attack by another exiled, but you would also have to put up with the sh8t that others can attack you when they have immunity.[/p][p]Oh as for the subject of not allowing you to zone during engagement... It would really ruin the game if they also not fixing issue with people bind rushing.... Imagine grp vs grp... the loser grp keep on respawning and keep on coming back to fight you until your grp either die or run out of power and die because they can keep you engage indefinately until your grp die... Before you can kill everyone in the grp and then zone if they keep on reviving and come back to keep you engaged, with this change, you can't do that... I know of a guild in VOX / qeynos ALWAYS DO THIS (BIND RUSHing cause they can't get a win without bind rushing people).[/p][p] They would need to either accompany with a fix that force a player not able to regage or not allow to revive until the engagment is done... or force player to revive back in their city if die due to pvp or revive in another zone at their evac points.[/p][p]Just immagine a battle on Vultak Island... a grp vs grp or raid vs raid... each team can bind rush each other and the battle will never finish... ending up both side would die at least once... which is lame because reviving bind rushing is hardly considered a skilled strategy.[/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]