Zone catch up after link death, is it just me?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Nuladen, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nuladen Guest

    Maybe it's just me but on the odd occasion that I suffer a link death in an instance upon relogging and re-entering the zone it takes forever for anything to update, I end up standing around doing nothing because all I can see is my group in one place fighting invisible mobs that are out of range due to the fact that they are not really there, nothing gets it's positions updated for what feels like a couple of minutes.

    Anybody else?
  2. ARCHIVED-Soulforged_Unrest Guest

    PC or slow internet connection, I've not had that problem since I stopped using my four year old laptop to play.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nuladen Guest

    Charons@Najena wrote:
    Mmmm... doubfull, pc is not too bad, C2D E6600, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS 640Mb and I have 4Mbit Cable too.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gladiia Guest

    Nuladen@Lucan DLere wrote:
    While it seems you have a decent setup there, I think Charons is right. Whatever is causing you to LD, is not 'disapearing' when you first finally get back in.
    99% of the time I LD it's because my router reset itself (seriously, I hate my router), and 99% of the time I can get back into the game quickly and get right back into the action - and my system is not as good as yours with the expection of having 3gb of RAM...which doesn't make much of a difference over 2GB in this game.
  5. ARCHIVED-Nuladen Guest

    Yeh, I guess it could be just a temporary thing that is hanging over from whatever caused the LD initially, hadn't thought of it that way to be honest.

    That said, I was showing no packet loss whatsoever so I don't think it's related to at all.