Zimaran Mana's Please Give Us Another Way to Get

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Zhevally, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Zimaran mana's only coming from raid gear essentially this xpac is making them much much harder to acquire. Normally we have a slew of heroic gear we can transmute as well. I would love to see something happen to help make mana's easier to acquire.

    Back in AOM we got a fabled transmutation stone that gave anywhere from 1 to 5 manas of that tier. I was wondering if you'd consider adding one of those for Zimaran mana's - either as a drop in heroics or something on one of the researchers. [If it was going to be 1-5 manas even something like it takes a week to research would be fine and at least allow us to start making progress].

    It sems odd we were given a route to upgrade master crafted adorns this xpac but then the master crafted adorns were made so difficult to actually get due to the mana availability.
    SolarFaire, FuRiouSOne, Twyla and 5 others like this.
  2. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    The transmutation stone drop would be perfect but it would have to be rare as I believe this was the devs intent in making heroic gear legendary to keep raid items (mana stones) come from doing raids.