Zerkers/Guards still out parsing T1 dps

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Raidyen, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    just to reiterate, this whole thread is bogus. parses in group instances are so short they are literally almost meaningless.
    in raid, i used to be near the top of the parse as a zerk until i started raiding with a group that distributes buffs to the classes that will utilize them better than i will and even when i work my butt off to try and compete with DPS classes i still fall right on the trailing edge of them. now if i begged and/or MTed i bet those numbers would increase significantly and they do because that is how important buffs are to each others DPS and why in groups where mobs which aren't debuffed because the fight only lasts for 10 seconds then nukers take a hit in lacking buffs and casts cut short because of short duration fights.
    long duration fights are what matters, if anyone comes back here citing 15 second or shorter parses i'm gonna smack them...
    scouts generally are an exception to this rule because they can nuke fast and often, fast casters such as illusionists also can defy this rule. slow casters like wizards take a hit and flip flop with plate wearers on short fights vs long ones.
  2. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    Rqron wrote:
    bcuz if tanks can out DPS classs who can,t tank/heal so class that ahve the DPS job. it is stupid. Just fill the group with 5 fighters.
    Its like if a paladin could heal betther then a templar.
  3. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    Lyger@Mistmoore wrote:
    It is meaninless for raiders.
    For the big EQ2 player majority that don't raid as much. its great imbalance.
    They should just do the same thing as EQ1. Make the fight last longer but yeld more exp per kill. (thats how they made Necro a viable DPS class at least)

    Also I find it funy that wizard aren,t burst DPS in EQ2. lol its probably the first time I see this in a MMO.
  4. ARCHIVED-simpwrx02 Guest

    What ever my wizard tops or comes close to topping every single parse in every zone I am in. Just have to know how to adapt your spell order based on who is in your group and how they are parsing. CoA , if a tank every out dpsed me i would seriously consider deleting my toon. Fast kills just mean i skip a few spells I might cast for higher burst damage ones. Only zone I almost had an issue was Cheltish when my group was killign the lesser 3 leviathians in about 9-11 seconds, but even then the parse was close between me the brig and the swashy, the tank was ~2k dps behind the dps classes each of us were around 4500+ and the guard tank was around 2k.
    Also not sure how you can say a wizard isnt burst dps that made me laugh. Show me another class that gets a 12k nuke they can recast every 45 seconds base, but with AAs like 35 seconds and crits for upwards of 30K. my **** little non burst dps wizard has burst to over 6k on names in CoA, yes I raid, but no i dont have my mythical and 75% of my gear is legendary from quests or instances, I can replace the few raid gained items with legendary quest/instance items and still only lose a little dps. And scouts omfg they can do simply disgusting dps with all legendary gear if the player knows the class.
    Key to doing dps as a dps class use at least adept 3 abilities, knwo how to assing your AAs for dps, understand what gear benefits you and get it. KNow your class and how to string togethere a spell/CA order to max out what you can do. And yes a VP geared tank will do a lot of dps as will anyother toon that is VP geared, but guess what a non raid toon if played to max can do sick dps as well.
  5. ARCHIVED-Windowlicker Guest

    Lyger@Mistmoore wrote:
    I think the larger problem right now is in the fact that Scouts and other T1 DPS are able to maintain T1 numbers on short OR long fights.

    Wizards and Warlocks are now locked to "Long fights" only. Everything else our DPS is sub-par at the moment.
  6. ARCHIVED-Latpow Guest

    This problem is mainly due to itemization...
    Think about it... in EoF there were a few scattered sets of +Melee Crit Gear (which is argueably more powerful than +spell crit for a caster since auto attacks are now hitting in many instances harder than spells) in the non Avatar killing guild playing field. Casters would get their DPS boosts via items like the Plasma Wand and Procs. So a caster with a full array of proc gear can compete with a non avatar decked out scout. Even in Avatar guilds casters needed items like Orb of Mayong and the 50% cast haste robe to top parse.
    Enter RoK... +Melee Crit, +CA damage, and Double attack all over the place. For casters, not even procs hold water anymore. Also for melee, they get big gains from better weapons (which can be found in most heroic instances and raid zones)... Casters are still using Plasma Wands? Yes, there's a great deal of +spell crit and damage gear. Yes, caster DPS has gone up... but with the rarity of Masters, BoE Caps, any meaniful primary slot upgrades they are getting left in the dust by scouts( not to mention lack of AoE Encounters were casters usually shine). If itemization is going to stay the same and single encounters are going to be the norm, then casters need a boost in their Int Cap, have the BoE Cap raised, and/or crit mechanics need to be looked at (Max +1 30%, like an Auto Attack... How about 60% or Double???)
    Then we have the issue of Casters that already parse for insane amounts due to Mythcials and overpowered gear from last teir... I personally hate nerfs, but something has to be done to bring back some caster / melee balance.