zerker weapons

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-vascar, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-vascar Guest

    Hi all. I keep reading that zerker damage comes from auto attack so my question is what delay weapons should a zerker use? I'm only lvl 14 and I'm using mastercrafted 6 delay weapons (dual wield). Should I be looking at using something else. Thanks for the help.
  2. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    high damage high spread main hand while focusing on crit and haste.
    i never recommend dual wielding because its a waste of survivability for minimal DPS gains but if you insist on doing so run a faster delay offhand such as a 2.5 delay and work on double attack and crit equally for dual wielding.
  3. ARCHIVED-Revalou Guest

    Weird. I was about to make a similar thread.

    I'm level 22. At the moment I have a crafted greatsword, which is imbued with another attack or damage. It's a 6 delay though, so very slow, but 100 damage, which seems highest for my level.

    There are some great swords with 2.5 delay and about 34 damage.

    Is the high damage 6 delay better for me?
  4. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    6 delay is probably going to be a bit much for your level, probably around a 3.0 delay would be best.
  5. ARCHIVED-Revalou Guest

    I'll give that a try. Thanks!