Zander's Recipe?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Whysprr_Wyrd, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Whysprr_Wyrd Guest

    Where do I find the recipe for Zander's? I'm a jeweler, and I just figured I'd hunt down the recipe and make my own to get this spell, but I can't lay my hands on it. It's not in either the regular or the advanced jeweler's books for level 35.



    Whysprr Wyrdwynd (born during a severe vowel shortage)
    Dark Luminosity (<ooh!> nice people, overdramatic name, I wanted to call it Monster Munchies but nobody asked me)
    Qeynos (but not ridiculous about it)
    Dirge ('A group without a dirge is like a day without cold drizzle')
    Some level or other (who knows when you're reading this)
    Neriak server
  2. ARCHIVED-Salmastryon Guest

    It is in the special books you can buy from your wholesaler or one of the quartermasters from Bloodchronicles when you finish the third quest. I can't remember the exact title of the book off the top of my head. I'll check when the servers are back up.
  3. ARCHIVED-Whysprr_Wyrd Guest