Your funniest and your scariest film recommendations

Discussion in 'Non-Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Despak, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Araxes Guest

    Not sure about Funny ...


    The original 1979 "Alien" is by FAR the creepiest, most classically atmospheric, thrilling and genuinely horrifying movie I have ever seen. (The sequel, "Aliens" is also good ... but more of an action movie than its predecessor - the original relies more on atmoshpere and slow momentum ... which makes it far more of a seat-gripper, IMO.)

  2. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Random addendum, Pandorum was also pretty cool. A bit scary in a few spots, and fulfilled every stereo type a space horror film could have
    1) everyone know karate
    2) something's arms or tentacles have to be in the way of a closing door
    3) the lights in the ship aren't working
    4) if it's a door, it's probably locked until you absolutely 100% need it to open
    5) the aliens can run super fast, jump super far, and take a lot of damage before going down
    6) The random crazy dude that looks like a hobo and talks non-sense
  3. ARCHIVED-Kitsune Guest

    ALL the Alien films are scary. I love em and got the Collector's Edition.
    Pitch Black was awesomely scary too. The alien beasties in it were the thing of nightmares too. /shudders Plus I like vin Deisel...
  4. ARCHIVED-Saihung23 Guest

    Hrrmmmm P:

    I want to give a little bit of both...Horromedy....or Comerror....

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

    Killer Clowns from Outer Space

    Evil Dead & Evil Dead 2: Dead Before Dawn

    and I personally like the more recent Bruce Campbell movie, My Name is Bruce.

  5. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Araxes@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    That's why it was an 'easy' for me on scariest.
    The first time I saw it.. was at a friend's house but while it was still in the movie theatres on original release (my friend's dad worked for NBC.. film and TV crews.. well.. even then they were the cause of a large percentage of the pirating.. it wasn't from a camera taken into a movie theatre). I was.. umm.. 13, I think. Most of the movie, as the suspense got built higher and higher, I would end up sitting on the back of the couch with my back as flat against the wall as I could go. And it was daylight out!
    The story and they way they built it up and had the music supporting it, it just drew you in and glued you there. THAT is why it was so scarey.
    Watching it the next day while he was making duplicates (for othe TV or film crew buddies of his dad's), the story wasn't as compelling 'cause you knew what was around that bend you couldn't see before.
    If I watch the movie with large gaps of time between, it has that same creepy suspense-filled pacing, almost like the first time :)
    Oh.. and there wasn't a lot of blood, guts, and gore, gratuitously thrown all over the place. Blood, guts, and gore isn't scarey, it's just messy. Not knowing what's around the corner... THAT's scarey.
  6. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Funniest Movie: That is hard there are so many good ones. I think "Buba Ho'tep" is as close to first as I can get.
    Scariest: "IT" man F that shizzle, I would not go next to sewer crates for the life of me after seeing that when I was a kid.
  7. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Roboto@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You forgot Terror of Tiny Town and Plan Nine from Outer Space.
    [IMG] [IMG]
  8. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    My movies tend to change from time to time... But currently:
    Funniest: Zombieland/40 Year Old Virgin - They both had me laughing so hard that my stomach hurt when I left the theatre.
    Scariest: I'm a little jaded... But the most recent movie to really give me the jibblies was Silent Hill. Something about the little kids with no arms shambling towards the lady just creeped me out. And then, of course, someone chose that moment to come into the movie late and try to sit on me. /sigh
  9. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Kiara wrote:
    Silent Hill is awesome! Based off one of my favorite game series too. If you think the movie was scary, pick up Silent Hill 2 for Playstation 2.
  10. ARCHIVED-Despak Guest

    Aye I really enjoyed Silent Hill.
  11. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Sigrdrifa@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Did you ever watch Ed Wood? Incredibly funny movie about.. well.. Ed Wood and his movies and the people he assembled to work on them and the completely cracked... umm lifestyles. Even if it's only sorta real, based on him and the others, the way it's done is rather an homage to the movies Ed Wood made *impish grin*
  12. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Rijacki wrote:
    I haven't seen the biopic, but in college, our campus science fiction club raised money every semester by hosting movies. Generally we played science fiction and fantasy classics, but one weekend each semester we had the "Bad Movies Night".
    For Bad Movies, you got in free, but paid to get OUT. And the price went up every 15 minutes. We screened Ed Wood flicks, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Terror of Tiny Town... and many others. It was our biggest money making night because the guys would try to tough it out but usually broke with Tiny Tim's Tiptoe Through the Tulips braying onscreen and end up paying full price.
  13. ARCHIVED-Bratface Guest

    My funniest movie is Galaxy Quest, I can quote that entire movie in my sleep.
    Scariest would probably 1408, when I saw that in the theatre I literally leapt out fo my seat at some suspenseful point, while simutanously screaming outloud, when my butt finally landed back in my seat I saw the entire theatre lookiing at me like I was some poor soul who shouldn't be watching scary movies....
    My daughter never lets me forget it, I am too feeble to take to scary movies now =p
  14. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    Rijacki wrote:
    oh man i cant believe someone else has seen the onion. That movie had me rolling from start to finish and the ending. And especially the ending way to bring it all together.
  15. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Funnest: History of the World, Part 1
    Scariest: Thanks to my Dad, Poltergeist. When I was a kid we where watching it at our house on HBO, and he snuck up and grabbed us, right at the scean when the clow doll grabs the boy... I jumped into, and out of my bed for months after that.
  16. ARCHIVED-kreepr13 Guest

    Funniest: Shaun of the Dead
    Scariest: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre