You do no have a Everquest II subscription. (on weekend)

Discussion in 'Account Related Support' started by ARCHIVED-deiviiii, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-deiviiii Guest

    This I got when try to login.
    I know: there might be a issue with the account validation server that is causing the problem
    I opened the ticket support but i lost the weekend that i have to play
    How much SOE wants his clients?
  2. ARCHIVED-Finora Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-deiviiii Guest

    I have not yet received a response from Technical Department
  4. ARCHIVED-awnya2 Guest

    I would suggest calling them and speaking with a tech directly
  5. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    deiviiii wrote:
    you won't get one here since it involves account information.
    Upper right corner, Search the Knowledge Base then live chat. Their hours are Mon - Fri 10 AM to 7 PM pacific. Make sure to adjust the hours to match your time zone
  6. ARCHIVED-deiviiii Guest

    Already received a response from the service call.

    There is a problem with GLOBAL COLLECT, they have not successfully updated the information of some accounts, including mine.

    Have already activated my account again.

    But there are still 3 guild mates with the same problem.

    Greetings and thanks for the responses
  7. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    deiviiii wrote:
    I spent a few years over in Dublin on a contract, enjoyed myself greatly there - except for have to deal with the phone company and Global Collect...
  8. ARCHIVED-TSR-JamisonW Guest

    If anyone is still having trouble with their payments, feel free to PM me and I'll check it out.
  9. ARCHIVED-Lordliz Guest

    I would have PM'd you, but because my account is locked out I don't have permission to send PMs :)
    Please see my entry on the thread relating to account subscription problems for details.