"You did not meet entrance requirements." (To Myrist)

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by ZenMaster, Nov 13, 2018.

  1. ZenMaster New Member


    I am a returning player and purchased Chaos Descending. I am trying to zone into "Myrist, the Great Library" but repeatedly receiving "You did not meet the entrance requirements." A player in General Chat suggested "reading my mail" which I have done (no new message for expac) but I am still blocked off. Another player said he reached Myrist via "Fast Travel" (I don't have membership). I have also done a file check. Am I missing something?

    Edit: I am trying to zone in via wizard spire portal.
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

    Are you level 110? Do you have more than one account?

    If CD is active and you are level 110, then you could have gotten two mail messages in your mail. One for being 110 in your crafting class and one for being 110 in your adventure class.
    Cyrrena likes this.
  3. Celan Active Member

    You can only access the new zone if you are level 110, either adventure or crafting level. If you just used a token to get to 110, you need to zone to a different place to trigger the mail.
    In the mail is an item, which you then need to use.
  4. ZenMaster New Member

    Got it thanks (Level 110 requirement)! I was trying to use my older Level 100 Heroic to get in. Forgive my ignorance. :oops:
  5. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    It is a common mistake with this expansion. If someone reading this thread is experiencing the same issue with a character that is level 110 in TS or Adventure and has no mail, zone to Isle of Mara and speak to Jerol the mail guy standing right next to the tavern. Either zoning to Mara or speaking to Jerol will get you the mail.
    Twyla, Vandrago and Breanna like this.
  6. Haklife New Member

    I'm having this same issue. However I don't believe I ever received the mail. I've spoken to Jerol with no luck. It's an old toon that I last played on PoP maybe. Lvl 110 Tradeskill and Lvl 110 adventure. Not sure where to go from here and any help would be appreciated.