Xanadu (t3 ant) guildhall - outdoors (carnival theme)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Plexie, May 24, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Plexie Guest

    Our guild hall was overdue a facelift of sorts and being really tired of the way the inside of the ANT T3 guildhall looked (and being outvoted 2-1 in moving to Freeport ) I moved us outside. There is still a few thingys inside which I plan to redo sometime in the near-ish future.
    I struggle quite hard with decorating anything in Qeynos or things which are goodie-themed (does that make sense?) Dark and dreary stuffs come a lot easier to me and I've always wanted to do a festival/carnival type theme. I adore greenery so to me its a nice compromise to not being able to move to Freeport.
    Apologies in advance for the pictures being a bit dark, but I like carnivals at night much more than in the day time. You can get into much more trouble that way!

    forest entry


    NPC area (aka: where everyone stands afk or jumps in circles getting stuck in furniture u.u )

    I had previously made this aviary/gazebo/vine-y/swing set 'thing' and I quite liked it, so having torn that down I added 2 tree swings here.

    The path that leads past the NPC area and to the left takes you to the spire/druid ring/pond area
    I always wanted a cute bridge thingy so I added one here

    The path to the right of the NPC area leads you to the carnival
    The Carousel has 8 adult-sized rides and 4 little-sized rides (I wont say kids because I have to be in consideration of faerie-bugs and gnome type people )
    There is beer and assorted munchies available here
    "I'll have a beer and a lollie, please. Thanks."
    There are loads of souvenirs for purchase as well. You can also get a face-painting from the lovely Vanadesse but you must hold still, because she will bite you :p
    You must purchase a ticket before riding either of the rides! Only 10 shiny coins each.

    Ferris Wheel
    I get to ride for free, though

    The hall is open for anyone who wishes to visit.
    Hope you like it

  2. ARCHIVED-Aerfen Guest

    The ferris wheel is absolutely incredible!!!
  3. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    OMG thats AWESOME - how did you make the swing?
  5. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Your carnival is PERFECT and your ferris wheel AWESOMELY perfect! I have wanted to use the poles to create a ferris wheel but am terrifiled of layouts, but seeing this...makes me want to conquer my fears!
  6. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    That Ferris wheel is amazing!
  7. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-channel Guest

    that is by far... just - AMAZING!!!!!!
    kudos on the brilliant ferris wheel!!!!!
  9. ARCHIVED-Plexie Guest

    Thanks for the compliments all :)

    To Gracey :
    The swings are hierophant's crook x 2 and medium maple shelves x 1, then I just placed the crook's to look like they were coming out of the tree branch (using a divider) and when they were placed i added the shelf :)
    There are a couple other shelves which I thought looked better but that you couldn't sit on, so I choose maple as I like to be able to 'use' things like this hehe
    heres pics of the old swing set i mentioned, from june 09. its a bit more neato imo (maybe because its a pair and a little bit romantic :) )
  10. ARCHIVED-VegasKiki Guest

    Amazingly Memorable!

    That ferris wheel is crazy!
  11. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    This is amazing! Absolutely LOVE the ferris wheel!
  12. ARCHIVED-roterHase Guest

    oh my good, I LOVE YOUR FERRIS WHEEL ! B R I L L I A N T ! ! ! !
  13. ARCHIVED-Charms Guest

    WOW!! So Amazing!! great job. all we need now is a "Round Up" heehee :)
  14. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    Cool - thank you!!!
  15. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    I love the ferris wheel, awesome work!
  16. ARCHIVED-Goldinrae Guest

    The whole place is well done but the ferris wheel definitely takes the prize!
  17. ARCHIVED-biguglyone Guest

    That ferris wheel is one of the coolest things Ive seen done. Nice job!
  18. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Wow, that ferris wheel is just amazingly well done! The rest is too, what an incredibly awesome job!
  19. ARCHIVED-Grycks Guest

    Wow, very nice! How did you decorate Antonica??