Wyrmsteel recipe book?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Ozymundas, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ozymundas Guest

    I cant find the wyrmsteel recipe books. They used to be on the crafting society merchants for Qeynos and Freeport, but... it's not there. I checked the city merchants too. Am I missing something?
  2. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    It was removed from game quite some time ago.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ozymundas Guest

    Never to return?! Strange Black Ore is still around...
  4. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Ozymundas wrote:
    I believe so, yes.
    But the ore...I haven't pulled one of those from Feerrott in...well, a very long time. I used to get those quite a lot Way Back When.
    I can't remember why it was removed and when. >_<
  5. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    They took it out quite a while ago. You didn't need it to kill Darathar anymore, so it was just a wasted recipe and an annoying not-an-ebony rare message for harvesters. The only place you could still get it were a few "nodes" in Sol Eye, but those may have been fixed by now so that it no longer drops anywhere.