Wyrmsteel Proc

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Kala Asuras, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kala Asuras Guest

    The Legion will hopefuly be completing Deception this week and becuase the raid force will include several rangers I had the following question. Does anyone know if the proc from the Wyrmsteel weapons will fire off using our bow shots? I know that this along with all the other melee weapon procs will be going bye-bye in the near future but was wondering if it was worth the effort to treck down to the forge to make a few more of the wyrmsteel weapons. Thanks for any help you can give.
  2. ARCHIVED-EverMania Guest

    Last time we did darth for some new members about 2 weeks ago it still proced off bow.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kala Asuras Guest

    Thank you for the quick response, looks like it is back down for one more trip to the forge.