
Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-BlindPariah, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-BlindPariah Guest

    Just trying to get the word out there. This is still a work in progress and new content is being added every day but thursday and friday. We have the forums up and operational, as well as some general information on the main page. Information about harvesting, tradeskilling, tier lists, mounts and more. Stop by and let us know what else you'd like to see!
    The quest database and maps will most likely come online last, as we do not yet have our database operational, and the person in charge of it is sick currently.

    For those that want a project:

    Looking for help at this time, send an email to admin@eq2resources.com

    (All images are copyright by their respective owners)
  2. ARCHIVED-BlindPariah Guest

    Now with guild faq, guild rewards, status loot, and much more!
  3. ARCHIVED-Gravgon Guest

    Nice looking site and it loads fast good info on the resources also.
  4. ARCHIVED-Arthais Guest

    You know what's REALLY amazing? It's that your status loot pages looks a LOT like this one.

    The order is the same, the information is presented in the same way, the opening comments are almost exactly the same, the charts are identical, the notations in the first article present the EXACT same notes as the second. You even described areas like "palace steps" and "docked boat" EXACTLY like I did.

    That and you even refered to it as "reverse writs" which is a somewhat localized colloquialism...most people would have called them status loot....I call them reverse writs too! Funny that!

    We must have some amazing telepathic connection, some wierd twins seperated at birth thing going on!

    That...or you're plagerizing my material. Now, really, the information is out there, and you have the right to present it, but you didnt' even bother to change the LOOK of the display...I mean really 90% of this material is EXACTLY like mine. What did you do, cut and paste from caster's realm?

    And FYI, that horse guide you got on there? Looked great, when Radar wrote it on TTH. That kill title guide? straight off ogaming.

    I know this, cause I read these sites, and I know what's on them. ANd when I get around to adding material that they also have, I make it MINE, I do it with MY style, my methods, my format, I make it look the way I think it should.

    You? You just rip boiler plate off other sites.....all of which, I may add, are protected under copyright laws.

    Message Edited by Arthais_CR on 01-18-200610:16 PM
  5. ARCHIVED-syncline Guest

    Whoa... talk about being caught in a bear trap ;)
  6. ARCHIVED-Nurta Guest

    Art, that's hawt.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kiara- Guest

    Once again Art... I want you. Now.
  8. ARCHIVED-Savanja Guest

    Wow..Everyone else does the hard work, and you just copy it. How..very..lame..
  9. ARCHIVED-Darammer Guest

    Y'know what's weird? His adventure class tree and racial stats pages were obviously written in HTML, and yet they are JPGs. It's almost like he took a screen capture. What an odd thing to do.

    I take it back on the Class tree - that looks like MSPaint. The other still looks like poorly formatted HTML.
    Message Edited by Darammer on 01-19-200611:06 AM
  10. ARCHIVED-Ryantos Guest

    Wow great job catching somthing like that.

    Very un-cool.
  11. ARCHIVED-Arthais Guest

    OK, I can admit I was wrong.
    That mount guide was NOT written by tth. It was written by another poster over here.
    Same screenshots and everything.
  12. ARCHIVED-thisnamesux Guest

    Oh you are so busted.:smileysurprised:
  13. ARCHIVED-StrollingWolf Guest

    Sorry, but I'm going to have to lock this thread since there seems to be a dispute going on here. Please conduct your dispute with the original poster using the private messaging system provided. Thank you.