Wurmbone End SOLO HM

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by JMieZie, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. JMieZie New Member

    Just curious if anyone has gotten even a fabled piece since the ninja buff? I have literally ran it 50 times and not 1 fabled piece. About to give up because this is horrible. Just wondering if it is bad luck or the loot has been ninja nerfed also.
  2. Hoosierdaddy Active Member

    Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you see things), it's just bad luck.

    I haven't gotten a Fabled from WE since the update either, but have seen a few guildies loot them, so I know they're there.
  3. Cisteros Active Member

    Yes, I got a fabled Mage piece of armor off the final named in one of my 3 boxes the only time I've run it since the change
  4. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I got one in one of the other solo zones but not WE, cuz I have only bothered to do it two times since the change. I'd rather do DC for one chest on multiple chars than spend the time to do WE on one char.
    Epixz and GrouchyMouse like this.
  5. Lament Active Member

    Got Defiler Shoulders and Hands in 1 run right after patchday
  6. Draylore Well-Known Member

    Got Primal BP off WE HM solo boss last night...on wrong toon of course =P.....only 3rd time ive run the zone since the change. I do not think they did anything with the drop rates.
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    Drop rates are the same from my experience. Got a Primal BP since my last run (Defiler lol) but yeah the change only adds about 2 mins to my run as I normally clear trash to level my Green Adornements.
  8. knine Well-Known Member

    I would think if they did ninja nerf drop rates it would be good lol.. point of having some of the best gear in the game is killing the hardest mobs in the game.. not a solo instance HM (that you can take 2 people in on, or a merc lol).. they should take the red adorn off it it and leave it with 2 whites and a yellow.. just like the drinal gear.. be happy if you do get a drop
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    I only agree with the Red Slot being not on this gear. Solo's get this gear very slowly and it is only Entry Level Raid Gear if they are lucky. Running Heroic is much quicker to get gear. As I said above, I have gotten a piece since the change, I do not believe they adjusted the rates.
  10. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel better, I've never gotten any fabled or ethereals since they launched.
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    Just curious. How often do you run the Solo Zones? I managed to get the Eth-Belt from there but honestly Ancient Sentinel(HM) Seems almost a better choice for Raid-Belts; though the Girdle of Bubbling Ooze is nice.