wth? trying to raid tank

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-pubear, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-pubear Guest

    ok, new guild, just trying out the trash in lyceum. In defensive stance with tower shield, my mit is 4625(58.3%), and my avoidance is 7014(50.7). Pulled the first group, and i went down so fast it wasn't funny. Granted, we did not do this with enough peeps or healers, but the issue is not that I went down, but that when the guardian wearing the eof legendary asked to try it, he actually lasted long enough, that if we had another healer, or he had had my gear, I truly think we could have done it. So wth? I am wearing fabled armor, and i couldn't last long enough to do anything. Anybody have any suggestions? In the end, he had close to the same mit percentage, that it didn't make much difference, and his avoidance was about the same.

    Admittedly this isn't my main, so some of this is probably due to experience, but this was too extreme. I have 63 aa's, and am spec'd sta (8+5+8) and agi(8+4+8+8), and am working towards cyclones on the berzerker tree. I am open to any suggestions as to what I can do to improve my ability to tank. I like this character and have spent alot of time leveling her and getting her gear, and really want to figure out what i can do. I dont want to betray her, since that would mean playing a guardian. :smileymad:

    Since I have a t7 transmutor, I am planning on getting the +7 parry adornment, but beyond that, i'm a bit at a loss.

    So I am open to suggestions.
  2. ARCHIVED-atjtennis Guest

    How many HP were you sitting at, what was the MT group make up?, did you use a 30 sec defensive buff before you pulled?
    Your mit is very low for being in defensive stance, with group buffs on you. I sit by myself at 5400 mit in defensive
    If your healers don't heal right away your gonna get smoked, Since you were not on your main how many raids have you tanked before on your berserker? Just trying to find out where you stand on being an MT before making any other suggestions
  3. ARCHIVED-FightGame Guest

    Not sure what fabled stuff you're wearing that gives you that low% mitigation in def. stance. Maybe it's t6? Most people in EoF legendary or KoS fabled are above that, when self buffed. I have KoS fabled, I don't have the wisdom line mitigation buff. With 2 healers and a paladin giving me the buffs, I sit at 64.5%. Try using the 3 temporary defensive buffs just prior to pulling.
  4. ARCHIVED-hieronymus Guest

    have to agree with the others, ur mit is very low for being MT. Have you done any of the claymore line of quests as there are plenty of loot that helps with your mitigation?
  5. ARCHIVED-uux Guest

    The guardian has an ability to transfer some of the damage to his shield. It's possible he popped that off while pulling. If you only attempted to tank on the one pull, then it's also possible the healers were more prepared for it after the first try. Experience does go a long way. It sounds like the incoming damage was a bit unexpected.

    You definately want to get your health as high as possible (over 10K) when raid buffed. That will at least ensure you survive the initial damage from the multiple mobs. You'll find many threads across the forums about MT group make up. Having the right classes makes a huge difference. Even though your mit is a bit low, it's doable. I tend to tank those mobs in my offensive stance with a buckler and I'm not really raid geared at the moment either. Having great support makes the whole encounter seem more like a heroic one.

    You should also note that some of the mobs in the group are epic, and the rest heroic (even though they're labeled as epic). If you have your target in detailed mode, there is no way to tell the difference. Make sure you have the target set to show frames and you'll be able to see the difference. The heroic mobs die extremely quick. Take them out first and the incoming damage will be reduced quite a bit. You can also assign someone to debuff the epics while the heroics are dieing to further lessen the damage. Another strat that I've seen is to mez the heroics, but I don't think that's entirely necessary. There is usually only 2 epics in the group of trash and it can also be split tanked (with the heroics mezzed even). There are a few ways to handle it depending on what classes you have available and part of the fun is figuring out what works for you.
  6. ARCHIVED-Triste-Lune Guest

    Never haad issue raid tanking.
    It would help us to figure out what could be the issue if you tell us your MT group set up.
    from you avoidance i m guessing you didnt have a dirgue in MT group.
    Your mitigation seems a bit low, i have about a 60% mit without short term buff.
  7. ARCHIVED-YummiOger Guest

    Hello :smileyhappy: .. hope i can help out some.

    1) ur mitigation for MT is low. u need at least 60% standing (no short terms) mitigation for acceptable MT.

    2) your Aviodance is Low. seeing how this is a new guild and ur new to mt role i would drop the Buckler (low Aviod) in favor for a good tower sheild, Grizzfizzle is a decent one (plus adds +parry,def,and Mit)

    3) have u worked claymore quests? the belt, 2 earrings, and the Tower sheild are all exellent MT items.

    4) what does ur MT group look like. temp,shaman,warden, dirge are all must haves for MT group. depending on ur needs for aggro control u may want to add a coercer/assasine for +hate. Or u can add a SK/Pally (prefferably they Wisdom line speced) for +mitigation and heals.

    5) your AP build looks a bit off for a New MT role. while Stamina line does dish out impressive dps, it does not add alot to servivability. for a new MT role i would suggest Agil 4/4/4/8/1 and Int 4/4/4/8 for max +def and +parry. also the final ability on Agil line is a life saver at times. later on as u build gear u can always respec back to buckler, but for now i think u loose just too much Block.

    Good luck to u on your new role as a MT :smileytongue:

    Message Edited by YummiOger on 02-06-2007 06:21 AM
  8. ARCHIVED-YummiOger Guest

    double post grrrr
    Message Edited by YummiOger on 02-06-2007 06:20 AM
  9. ARCHIVED-tass Guest

    ya just being a tank in good gear isn't all of it. Ur gonna need the right classes in the mt grp (mainly different healers) for all the buffs toward mig. Not only that if you don't have enough or the right healers ur dead.
  10. ARCHIVED-BoneSmasher Guest

    [p]I am assuming that you had someone assigned to cure the debilitate if the group contained a ruiner, endbringer or ravager?[/p][p]With mit that low, you can do labs trash, but you should have a shaman, templar and druid in your mt group. Add a pally or conjurer for extra mit and a dirge for extra parry / hate and you should be good to go.[/p][p]If the group is a mix of epic / heroics, try to have a mezzer mez the heroics to keep them out of the fray since they hit pretty darn hard.[/p][p]Main thing is that the spike dmg on those pulls is pretty high so all your healers need to be ready to go on the pull or you will die.[/p][p]If you are lucky enough to have a mystic along, a bolster helps.[/p][p]If you have pallys or other tanks along, have them put their intercept on you to take some of the damage. And if you have a flopper (monk/brusier) let them do the pull while you stay at the top of the stairs in range of your healers.[/p][p]Hope that helps. [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  11. ARCHIVED-theredraven Guest

    zerkers are better as top parsers and backup tanks...all my friends that have zerks parse in the top 5 for their raids.