WTB more aa slots

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Funn GI, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Funn GI New Member

    Seriously, I would love to be able to spend station cash on more aa slots. 3 is awesome, 6 would be better. Even the rift option of spending plat to buy slots would be fine. As a healer I find it more difficult to experiement with aa specs. So I have to run them in groups, and when they dont work, I dont have the time to stop the group for 10 minutes while I rebuld my spec. Just a thought.

  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Do you mean more AA points, or more AA specs? It is possible to save a spec to your hard drive, basically allowing an infinite number of builds. I haven't done it, but I'm sure someone else can explain how.
  3. Funn GI New Member

    aa specs. and there are already 6 slots, 3 (the server builds) are worthless to all but new players. I'll pass on the, save to file, load from file option. It should just be built in.
  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    OK, I just messed around with the templates a bit. The save and load from hard drive is built in. When you make a New template and save it, there is a save to file button. Load is the option to load from file.