
Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-emeraldrock jr, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-emeraldrock jr Guest

    Heard the most interesting thing...
    A ranger said that a guardian out-DPS'ed him in a fight due to the recent ranger nerf... just thought that was very funny... instead of improving our class, they're decreasing the skills of other classes:smileyvery-happy:

    just thought that was funny...
  2. ARCHIVED-SkarlSpeedbump Guest

    hmm, I read the same thing. Could be a touch of exaggeration. I heard a large population of guardians that got fed up with the guardian revamp went to the ranger class. Maybe he was putting some good ol' spin on his tale?
  3. ARCHIVED-mastersardis Guest

    i've been playing a 20 ranger just passing time till Guards got there loving. DPS is down quite a bit, but here's the kicker....
    Where i used to kill a solo mob before it even got to me, i now have to stun, flank, and backstab.
    Not a huge differance, but different all the same.
    I'd like to know what changes Guardians are seeing now, tho. I hear there's a nice boost in DPS from AAs. If this is so, i may well dust off the old Guard and try him out.
  4. ARCHIVED-emeraldrock jr Guest

    The more the better!
  5. ARCHIVED-Rei Guest

    True story, my brother is a ranger, we group most of the time. Since KoS release he has been out-dpsing me but by a very small ammount. Was pretty sad to see that a Guardian is even remotely getting close to a supposed "Tier 1" DPS class.. Rangers are totally broken atm, I think a nerf was in order, but they went too far.
  6. ARCHIVED-mastersardis Guest

    welcome to SOE games.
  7. ARCHIVED-Meinen Guest

    the ranger in the guild i belong to has no problem out DPSing me at all. Hell even when i go offensive stance, haste and DW, he way out DPS's me even after their nerf. /shrug
  8. ARCHIVED-Allowin Guest

    any ranger who says ANY guard out dps'ed him is flat out lying.

    i know rangers were a bit overpowered, and needed to be toned down some. but even tho the rangers in my guild and whining and crying. they still are top 3 or 4 in dps during raids.

    the ones who are mad are the same ones who were in silent city pre LU20 soloing white/yellow ^^^ heroics. i watched a ranger with common gear. (maybe a mixture of cobalt/treasured) solo the ^^^ white/yellow spectres in silent city for 4 days and get almost 2 lvls from it. when they started to con blue, he left and found another place to grind.

    bottom line is the same as us guards cried about post LU13.

    we got nerfed sure. but bottom line is that we were better than all the other tanks. just like rangers were the best dps class in the game.

    now guards are equal tanks with all the other fighters....just like rangers are equal dps to all other T1 dps classes.

    sure there may be some T1 dps classes who can do XXX better than a ranger. but thats life. bruisers/monks are still the most overpowered class in the game (and as long as moornoob plays a bruiser, i dont see it changing) but just like guards can tank the same as other fighters, rangers can dps just as well as other T1 dps.