Worth of Fambled and Relic Chests gone bad

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Hellfiren, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    Hey Devs,

    a player playing this game for like more than 12 years now constantly played game through all expas until now and the worth or feeling if find a fabled chest has gone from wow lets look in side find a usefull item to WTF 100 Fabled chests a day and 99% rubbish like Merc Gear absolutly nobody needs, mostly in solos or at its best Adept spells in Heroic Tier 1 2 and Challange zones.

    Same an the Reliquar Chests which are quite Rar in solos and heroics contain at least the only usefull item the 335 Relic Writ all other stuff in is not worth open it.

    Fabled chest drop rate neeed to belowered and loot should be increased in its usfull worth massively.
    Fabled chest should contain curret live tier stat armor and min 1 Master the relic chest a Special Armor or Jewlery + a Ancient spell book // crafter book or at least a Celstial Spell ASC or Archtype Class one.

    Stop put in these absolutly rubbish merc gear i have had so much merc gear i could equip 20 or 40 mercs from head to feet since expa gone life.

    Put a NPC somewere for those who want to equip thier merc put all the Rubbish Merc Gear in which is in loottable atm and set a price payable with the current tier Life Expas Coins BUT KEEP THIS USELESS STUFF out of any Box in Solos // Heroics or were ever.

    Twyla likes this.
  2. Airenx Member

    I totally agree with the premise of this post. I would love to also see overland mobs, besides named mobs, have a chance at dropping chests again. Stop gating everything to instances.
    Twyla and Breanna like this.